Monday 24 December 2018

114 night in the woods - selmers once got mad on the internet

Dear Readers,

I caught up with Selmers and told her she was great last night at the library.

She thanked me and said that having me to bounce ideas off helped her. I said I was good for that and she offered to recite another poem. I said "Sure!".

She said it was a short one as she was tired. I told her I was tired too, so that worked out. She recited: "I got mad one time; it was online." and I said I've been mad on the internet before too. She said it was crazy-making.

The part where Mae says she's been mad on the internet before too is very screen-shottable :)

Selmers then asked what I was doing at the library. I told her that I go to the library and she was like yeah but seriously. I didn't answer.

She then had pictures in her speech bubbles. One was of someone with a hat and the other was of an eye weeping. Could this be Dennis?

Grumpy porch guy said he played a mean banjo, clawhammer style. I told him I played bass and that we should play together sometime. He asked if I knew Long Black Veil and I said yep. He asked if I knew Tom Dooley and I said yep to this also, that my dad liked that stuff. He asked if I knew Willer Garden and I said nope to that. Then he lost interest in the conversation entirely. Yeesh. He was considerably less grumpy than usual at least!

I climbed up high and saw some laundry on the line again. I wondered if the squirrels ever stole undies. I also met some dude up another roof nearby! He greeted me as a little girl and I told him I'm a legal adult. He apologised and... oops... SHE said her name was Liz when I asked her who she was. I keep mixing up the genders in this game! Anyway, she said she used to live here, in this building before I was born. This building being where Bea's apartment is. I asked her why she moved away and she said she went to school and guess she wandered off. I asked her if she liked it better where she lived now and she said it was nice, but Possum Springs is nice too. I said I thought it was alright and she agreed. She said when she was a little girl about my height, which she said when I told her I was 20, that she used to lay awake at night, worried that the statue would come to life and climb in her window. I told her that was spooky alright and she said you never want someone hanging around outside your window. I said not magical evil statues at least and she said no magical or evil statues should get that close. I told her I lived in the attic and no one can get to my window. She said that was good. I listed vampires, warlocks and skeleton men... they couldn't get to me. Then there was a pause. Then I said I was glad we had this talk and she said she was too. And that was it.

So yeah, people like to come back and visit :)

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