Sunday 2 December 2018

92 night in the woods - spotting big snake and gramercy the medium stars

Dear Readers,

Why the heck was Mr. Chazokov out on the roof with his telescope on this overcast, rainy day? I climbed up to have a chat with him.

He called me by my full name and I said I was present, carrying on our old roll call routine no doubt :)
He was enjoying the smell of the autumn winds and said they weren't to be missed! Then he offered to show me more dusk stars! I didn't know it was possible on a day like this but... there we go! I obliged of course!

And again, I hurt my eyes by looking too soon without a filter. He said it was my own fault at that point.

I found one pretty quickly. It was the "Big Snake." I asked "Anything else?" but yeah, that was the name of it. He said the Big Snake emerged from the earth and made war upon the villages. It encircled the villages and the villagers noticed, all coming together to slay it. He prompted me in his teacherly way to say "Big Snake" over and over, praising me for learning its name. I asked why did Big Snake attack the villages. He asked me if I had sympathy for Big Snake and I didn't know really, but wanted to keep saying "Big Snake" :) We took turns repeating it and saying one word and finishing with the other word. It was like the fun part of school again!

I drew a spiral outwards with the telescope until I located another one. He said I would like this one as they were dead and I agreed that I was into it already. This was "Gramercy The Medium". Mr Chazokov said in this guy's life he spoke with the dead. When he died himself his own spirit returned and spoke through him. I said that was dumb and Mr Chazokov asked why. I said "That's just called being alive" and he said it wasn't so, that his body was actually dead. I asked if he was a zombie and he said he was just as smart as before, so he wasn't looking for brains. I didn't think it was so remarkable so I asked why this guy was made into a star. Mr Chazokov said he had no idea. I conceded that it was impressive. Dumb, yet impressive. I asked what the moral was for this one and he said that sometimes things are just strange. This was a moral? Mr Chazokov just did his laugh then and we wrapped it up for the day.

I told him this was pretty great! He invited me back after what is now our usual two day interval. I'll definitely come back, come rain or shine :) I was surprised we were able to do this at all on this rainy day...

I asked him how many stars there were and he was speechless. I clarified and asked how many dusk stars and he said there should be a few left, but who could say, that we could only point our telescopes and look.

I got to doodling in my journal.I doodled the Big Snake, looking all dead with arrows piercing through it. I drew a few stars and wrote "BIG SNAKE". Underneath I drew Gramercy The Medium, also looking very dead with some weird lines and patterns above his body. I wrote "GRAMERCY" underneath. Both of these beings I drew with cartoony Xes of death in their eyes. I drew them opposite of Sterling and Simone.

I flipped through my journal... Jeez that pure blackness of the figure I saw last night is still very much unsettling :O Big contrast between that and cool people I doodled.

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