Tuesday 25 December 2018

115 night in the woods - lori m's creepy movie

Dear Readers,

While strolling downtown, I noticed the pregnant lady I saw before was now pushing a baby stroller. Congrats to her :)

I passed by the Party Barn and couldn't believe the others just left the band equipment in there. What if someone stole it? What if the building fell down? I thought to myself that I should start taking Gregg's bass home with me, just in case.

Life went on as usual with the Telezoft workers. Hope the one who left was now happy :)

I started climbing and was very surprised to see someone on the rooftops playing violin! It was like something out of my recent dreams. I introduced myself to them and they said their name was Saleem. I asked them if they were a busker and if they were busking. They asked what busking was and I said I didn't know, guessing it was when you play outside and people give you money. They asked if I was gonna give them money and I said no, so they said they weren't busking. That was that! It was pretty nice the way the violin music was part of the background music too :)

I climbed further to Lori M, who was drawing something. I asked her about it and she said it was a bad guy for a movie. I sat down next to her and asked if she ever filmed anything. She said she made a little movie on her phone and pirated some movie programs. It was real bad. I asked her "What's it about?". She said a lady finds a window in her wall that wasn't there before and it was like looking at her backyard but it was always sunset. There's a guy standing there she can't quite see. I said that was actually kinda creepy and she said really???? To which I said I was creeped. She said thanks, that she thought it sucked. I asked "Where'd the idea come from?" and she said she liked a lot of horror movies that were really gory, but gory wasn't always scary. She was thinking what was scary and she came up with something that was at home that was new, or maybe you just never noticed it before and that there was someone strange very nearby... I paused at this and she asked what was wrong and I said it was nothing. It was just creepy.

Even if this wasn't particularly creepy I was feeling creeped out enough as it was these days with all the stuff going on...

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