Wednesday 19 December 2018

109 night in the woods - too tired for garbo & malloy

Dear Readers,

By the time I got home and chatted with dad, I was exhausted.

I just grunted a greeting and dad grunted back in question. I said I was feeling kinda beat out and he took pity on me in his doting dad way, asking if there was anything he could do. I was about to say something, but then I said no, and then I said I didn't know. He then said if I figure it out, to let him know. I thanked him.

I told him I might just head up to bed tonight and he said it sounded good, that it had been a long couple of days. I toddled off upstairs and checked around a bit before going to my room. I noticed there was a song called "Tick Tock" as well as the newly added "Pumpkin Head Guy". I checked it out and reminded myself of this being the terrible Charity Bearity song about telling time. I punched up the lyrics a bit with Gregg back in highschool. I tried to see if I could remember how the song went...

This may have been a mistake. I was exhausted after all, and in real life I am exhausted too! Mae has her problems but it was a heck of a stressful year for me. I won't go into it much but this year I resolved to fight back against something that was oppressing me personally. I had my little victories and ultimately the year will ring out ok, but a lot of really crappy things happened to me too. Plus, it's really cold right now and I should be going to bed.

Literally not knowing this song. I shouldn't be playing this with cold hands and with those awfully tiny Nintendo Switch Joy-Con buttons. I got on better than with Pumpkin Head Guy at least. Man that song is tough. It's weird how you get all nostalgic about stuff when you're tired. I reckon this is what made Mae think about playing this on her bass. I'll try it again sometime with a different controller and with more practice.

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