Saturday 29 December 2018

119 night in the woods - the weird room

Dear Readers,

I found a bedroom in the building where Mallard was kept! It was under the stairs in that space that didn't go anywhere, but suddenly goes somewhere now!

This room had a fridge, dresser, lamp, bed and some weird pictures on the wall. Also a window that was much too high. There was an 8 pointed star on the wall too, just like the ones in some of the weird pictures. I wondered who lived here?

It was just... a room. I guess the door and window made it two ways to get out of here. I thought it would be creepy if it wasn't so darn spooky.

I examined the pictures more closely. Whoever lived here was a churchgoer and I remembered grandmama had a setup like this last time I saw her. "Icons are good for keeping the good in and the bad out." I learned in Sunday school. The pictures were of saints. In the end my grandmother died next to photographs of saints like these.

There was a dark space to the right and I mused I could hide in here until whoever lived here got back. And possibly give them a heart attack. Or get shot in the face. With a gun. I thought to myself, what was I doing here? What was I doing with my life? Sitting in this stranger's closet in a nearly-vacant building. I could be here forever. Just... be here forever. Then my thoughts shifted to wondering where this person went to pee.

There was still the sound of pipes and stuff here. I couldn't imagine whoever it was that was going to live here to be that comfortable. If I were to hazard a guess I would guess that maybe this was where Bruce was gonna live, that maybe the town council planned to offer him this place to live. I kind of like the idea and it would be more comfortable and safe than his tent with all the spooky goings on but... hm...

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