Saturday 22 December 2018

112 night in the woods - startin' to feel tired

Dear Readers,

The next morning, the purple turnip of bad news talked about more shark attacks happening when sea levels continue to rise. I went online to messages from my buddies.

Bea said she was inspired to get me a library card after our trip last night. That was nice of her :) Gregg said his mouth felt weird this morning, like a tyre. He said he'll be at work trying to wash it out with whatever's in the cooler. Angus had a message too and it was a philosophical quote from an astronomer who said planets were to be pitied as they cannot know how big and cool they are. He loves astrophysical existential stuff :) I gave Sharkle a click before leaving my room.

I apologised to the bird for always being rude to it.

I went downstairs and chatted with mom. She didn't call me or anything, I just hopped up on the kitchen counter as usual, though I was starting to feel the impact of these weird dreams I had been having nonstop. She asked if I was okay, saying I seemed a bit limp. I said I was, just having weird dreams and had a weird night too. She said I say "weird" a lot and I said I was just being honest. She asked if I was taking headache medicine and they're in the bathroom cabinet if I needed them. I said I was, that they were kinda working, but also kinda not. I was wondering where the bathroom was in this house actually! I assume that's mom and dad's bedroom in the hallway between the birdcage and the shelves of granddad's books. Maybe the bathroom is an en suite? She said maybe I needed to get more sleep, more than the 10 I usually take. She said I was always her sleepy girl haha.

She asked what I did last night and I said I went to the library with Bea. She said that sounded nice. I said it was... she interruped with "weird?" and I just said interesting instead of weird. I said I was gonna go now and she said to take it easy, that I really did look very tired. I said getting out made me feel a lot better and she said the same for herself. She said it was a good day to get out in the fresh air.

She liked sunny days like today but hated rainy days, which made her feel like not wanting to leave bed. I said I loved 'em! That they were nice and grey. I felt the sun was too bright sometimes and needed some cloudies. She said I was a gloomy little eel, after which we went back and forth with "eeeeeeels!"

I then left after saying bye. I myself neither like too much rain nor sun. Both can make commuting a nightmare!

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