Wednesday 26 December 2018

116 night in the woods - gregg's cousin

Dear Readers,

I was surprised to find that the church was locked today!

I thought mom must've been out. What if I needed sanctuary from vampires or something? I muttered something about it being irresponsible.

I walked on to see Bruce. We made small talk about it getting cold. I said I liked this season when it got cold. He said he did too and that it was really pretty out a'swell. I told him I used to cry at autumn trees as a kid because they were so pretty. He said he did that when his daughter was born! Aw :) I asked him about his daughter and where she was. He didn't say anything. I then told him I was sorry and he said it was s'fine. Wow... didn't know this at all... I wonder where she is? If she even was around?

I walked on and past his tent to find who I thought was Gregg at first glance, but it wasn't him - it was someone I knew named Jen. We greeted one another and she was remembering my name. I asked her if Gregg knew she was back and she said nah, she was just here for a day. She had to pick some stuff up from Gregg's mom and haul it back to school tonight. She then asked me what I was doing here, recalling that I went to school too. I told her "Dropped out. Kinda.". She said she was sorry to hear that. I asked her what she was going for and she said she wanted to do fashion design. I asked her if that was an actual job you can get and she said "theoretically.". I asked her if she still went crossbow hunting, that Gregg still kinda does and she said she still hunts rabbits and stuff. She said she was just shootin' at the tree over there and it was then I noticed the arrows and crossbow she was wielding. She said she then realised there was a dude sleeping behind it, so she stopped shooting. I told her it was Bruce and he was nice. She said she was glad she didn't accidentally put a bolt in his face and I agreed. After a pause I told her it was nice seeing her and she asked if I still saw Gregg. I said yeah, all the time. She then said to tell that cousin of hers to come see her out in Bright Harbor. I was wondering how they were related! I said I would.

After another pause I said he wasn't leaving here. She said she didn't know and thought he should, that he's gotta spread his wings. I told her his wings were just fine here. She said Gregg was too much for this town. I didn't argue with her there.

After saying bye I doodled her in my journal with a really big wide eye with "JEN!" written underneath. I then drew another little Gregg head and wrote "GREGG'S COUSIN OK".

There was a little bit of tension in that conversation... I wonder what Jen's relationship is like with Mae and Gregg? And why did Mae say Gregg was staying here after that talk about his plans to move with Angus? I might learn more as time goes on...

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