Saturday 5 January 2019

125 night in the woods - climbing with asthma

Dear Readers,

Angus and I arrived at the park. It was a lovely sunset evening with birds and crickets chirping along with a faint breeze.

He said his mom used to take them up here to play Frisbee. I told him I got hit in the teeth with a Frisbee once, at full speed; Casey and I were throwing things at each other's heads and we stopped after the Frisbee.

Angus walked off to the left and I followed. Man the trees looked gorgeous here. Their autumn leaves matched the sunset evening very well. Some very Angus-like music started playing as well. It was gentle and sentimental.

He read out something on the noticeboard about not feeding or touching the wildlife. By the way, Angus doesn't strike me as the type to filch pic-a-nic baskets hehe :) I said "Well, that seems extreme" and he said he didn't know, that you can't go to the woods to like, socialise with the woods. He said there were some folks living in the cabins around here you could feed and touch if you wanted... I uh... just paused for a moment before saying it was a weird, old place up here. He said there was all kinda weird stuff back up in the park, old stuff just hanging out in the woods. We were gonna come across his old scout camp on the way up too! I said they were busy woods. He then said we better get going before it got dark.

He walked further to the left. I couldn't jump on the sign and I couldn't jump on his car either. I hiked after him, up the hill into the dark of the woods. He stood huffing next some kind of kiln. I asked was he alright and he said he was, he just had asthma. I asked him "Do you have an inhaler?" and he said yeah, but he kept it for emergencies and that being slow wasn't an emergency. I asked him what this thing was and he said he thinks it was a lime kiln. I asked "Kiln?" and he said it was like a furnace, that you put something in there and it becomes this other thing. He said limestone was weird because it was mostly made of skeletons of sea creatures from millions of years ago, so this was all underwater or something at some point. I said "Whoa" and he was like ikr. He went on, saying that right where we were standing were ancient horrible sea monsters once upon a time. I said that was creepy and awesome. He said that was history! But in a way that it could've been a reference to something, like maybe some educational show?

He continued onward and I followed up another hill going up to the right. He stopped at another kiln, puffing. I caught up and asked if he needed a break. He said he was ok and I said no prob, but he was still huffing, so I talked a bit. I asked him "Where'd the water go?" and he just guessed the ocean. He said the earth was always shifting and mountains spring up in places where it was just flat ground before. I said that was weird because things were so boring nowadays, to think like all that crazy stuff was going on here. He said there was always weird stuff that happened to find out about later.

He was ready to go again and walked up the hill to the left and stopped at yet another kiln, huffing and puffing and wheezing. I asked him if he was sure he was ok and he said yeah barely with so much puffing and panting. He apologised and I said that seriously it was fine and that we should hang for a bit. I told him I should know all about this ancient sea creature rock stuff, because I was gonna take a class on dinosaurs back at school. He asked what happened and I said it was full up! That class filled up fast. I told him "I love dinosaurs" and he said who doesn't? I said things were so scary and cool back then that we would die in like 5 minutes :) he said to be glad for the millions of years between us. I said time was weird and he said that time made most dangerous things less dangerous.

He was ready to go again and I followed him further up the hill to the left and on to the next screen.

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