Monday 7 January 2019

127 night in the woods - the graves of the possum massacre

Dear Readers,

Angus and I continued deeper into the woods. At this point it was night and we could see the blinking light of the mast on the distant mountain.

I said that was a hike and he said it was a lot easier when he was 11. We passed about three gates or so, I lost count. He thought that was weird, that it used to be open back then. I find that's true with a lot of things nowadays... a lot less open for trekking. Everybody's all careful and worried about security and stuff.

We happened across some graves. Angus tried to remember whose they were, that they were involved in the Possum Massacre. It was that event I read about in that article in the library. I asked him why the graves were up here and he said he thinks they were some of the bad guys and some of the miners didn't want them buried in town. He said there were a few old graveyards up here from colonial times even. I said it was spooky and he brushed it off as being just bones, which got me excited about ancient shark bones. He was happy I was on board in some sense at least, that there was nothing to be spooked about.

He walked on and I followed until we got to the big log on the cliff edge. We observed how high and far away from town we were, how we couldn't even see it with that ridge blocking it. I asked if we were supposed to just wait here and see if anything happened. He said I was to tell him since I was the expert! I said I guess we'd just wait here and see if anything did happen.

So we sat on the log and waited.

Angus said it was a nice night. I agreed and said that back at school I couldn't see this many stars and that always made me sad. He noted they were really nice up here. I told him I wished I knew the constellations like he did, like all the stories and names and stuff. It turns out he didn't but he wished he did remember them! He tried to make one out to be some kind of a bell and I interrupted him, asking him if he remembered that time we were all at that Longest Night bonfire, spotting the constellations together and how he told us all about them. He said that wasn't a thing that happened! I was like wow... that maybe it was a dream or something. I could barely remember now. He then wondered what fake constellations and stories I dreamed up :).

I asked him to humour me, that I'd find the constellations and he'd tell me about them. The scene shifted to the night sky, like when Mr Chazokov and I do that astronomy thing!

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