Wednesday 16 January 2019

136 night in the woods - chatting with selmers about colin

Dear Readers,

I went to see Selmers, who asked if I was alright. I said yeah and asked why and she said I looked like I went through the dryer on the wrong setting.

I laughed and said yeah it was just a long week. She offered to recite a poem to cheer me up and I said "Sure!".

She recited: "Life goes on; it feels so long; but I report; life is too short." which did make me laugh a little.

She recited another: "Life is great; but life is hard; let's grill hot dogs; in the backyard.". That was nice :) I thanked her. She asked if they cheered me up and I said they did.

She said Mr. Chazokov was up on the roof again. I asked her if he ever dropped his telescope and she said oh no, as he'd cry his eyes out. She said he loved that thing more than his kid.

I didn't know he had a kid... I asked her about it and she said his name was Colin and he visits every once in a while. She said he was hot as heck lol. I asked her if she talks to him and she said nah, that he worked at some university research place. She said he wasn't interested in... and referred to herself as "this". Aww...

She said they do karaoke at Miller's but only twice a week and it should be every night.

Grumpy porch guy said bad weather was comin' soon. He could feel it in his bones.

Mr. Chazokov said I looked a bit worse for wear today. I said I was fine and proved it by making it up on the roof to him. He said to watch myself lest I fall. I said I will do. He offered another chance to see some stars and I said "You know it!".

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