Friday 11 January 2019

131 night in the woods - chatting online about what angus and i saw

Dear Readers,

Angus wasn't online but Bea and Gregg were. I had to chat with them after our scary encounter.

I asked Bea if she was awake and she was, doing bills and eating a grilled cheese sandwich. She asked what was up and I told her about going to the park with Angus and how we both saw the ghost in the woods. She was surprised to hear that Angus saw it too and said she was gonna text him to make sure. I asked her why and she said since Angus was an annoyingly strident atheist, he didn't believe in ghosts so she had to check with him. I asked her why she couldn't just take my word for it and she said to wait for Angus' reply... When she got his reply about it probably being a hunter I groaned out loud. She said sorry and for what it was worth, she didn't not believe me. I thanked her for this at least. She asked if I had a good time otherwise and I said I did, that I learned a lot about Angus himself and how he's had a rough life. She said she knew and I asked how she knew and she said she and Angus had been friends since 8th grade. I said I forgot that. She then said I wasn't the glue holding all of us together. Angus kind of was. He was the common denominator and she and Gregg didn't hang out by themselves. I told her Angus was good and she agreed. Then we said goodnight.

Gregg next. We said hey hey and yo yo back and forth. He asked if Angus and I had a good time. I asked "Did he not tell you about it?" and he said he did. He asked about us seeing the weird creepo and I replied excitedly about seeing that freaking ghost again. He said to hold on... then came back and said that Angus was thinking it was probably a hunter since buck season started in a couple of days. Out of frustration again I asked him to put Angus on. When Angus came on I confronted him, saying he saw the ghost with his own eyes. He continued to say it was a guy who was being weird. He also said there were folks who lived in the park as well as hunting camps and stuff. So it was most likely that it was a guy who was out hunting buck early. I told him I like, felt it. He said he knew, that he didn't know what to say about that. He reckoned all three of us were spooked.

"Three of us" he says, as if he was willing to have that thing in a collective with us... Yeesh...

I then just thanked him for going with me and being brave and stuff. He said anytime, that he had fun! I then said to put Gregg back on.

Gregg said he was an "arteest". I asked him if he was doing art just now and he said he sure was, but now he was off to bed. We said goodnight.

Then I saw a message from Angus' account. It was from Gregg. He said that Angus and I were talking on his computer and then pretended to be Angus, saying he was so smart and had a great butt! Out of boredom he drew a lewd image in the paint program, describing in detail what it was. Then he left and more messages followed, but from Angus this time, observing the weird fun Gregg and I were having on this chat thing.

Haha yeah. Chat clients are fun and I miss them. :) It is a pity no one's on board with my "ghost" theory, but at least Angus saw the creepy figure with me. We can get this ball rolling further!

I went to bed and...

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