Tuesday 22 January 2019

142 night in the woods - chatting with lori m about tacos and serial killers

Dear Readers,

I climbed up to Lori M to see what she was up to. She was gonna go to the tracks again and invited me to come along. I said "Sounds good, actually."

The scene shifted to us walking along the tracks again. I told her my friend Casey used to come out here and smoke. She said she used to smoke when she was younger. I told her "I'm allergic" but my friend Bea does it around me anyway. I asked her how long she did it for and she said she just did it once at age 12. I told her that was a good age to quit :) She said she could vape and I said she could vape and she said she wasn't gonna vape and I said that was probably a good idea.

She asked if I could remember the thing we squished on the tracks last time and I said yeah. I asked if we were gonna make it flatter and she said kinda but no and that I'll see. She said she was gonna pick a new thing to squish him with.

The scene shifted to us lying down next to each other on the tracks again. I had my feet laid on the other tracks this time... I don't remember if I did this last time or not...

Lori M asked me what we didn't have around here and I said a taco place, but she was talking about serial killers! Of all things! I said I'd vote for the taco place first but yeah, we didn't have a serial killer (maybe the "ghost" is one though?).

She asked if I ever thought about murdering someone but immediately went into a story before I had a chance to answer. She said a few Longest Nights ago she went to Bright Harbor with her aunt and cousin and went down to the subway. There was no protective railing and she had this sudden urge to shove someone off the platform. It felt weird to her and she also felt guilty about it for a long time, but at least she didn't do it. She asked if that was normal and I said I thought it was pretty normal. Morbid thoughts I guess. She then said she guessed I actually did try to kill someone and I told her "That was different".

She asked how and I said it wasn't planned and I wasn't trying to kill him — it was just a thing that happened. She said sorry.

Then a train rumbled and we took our feet off the tracks. It passed by on her side but I took my feet off my side anyway. Then we put our feet back on the tracks.

I said it was cool. She asked me if I knew what she liked and I said tacos. Again it wasn't tacos. It was pictures of the meteor that killed the dinosaurs where the dinosaurs are watching it in the sky. I said it was like every single picture of that meteor and found it weird. She wondered if they knew.

More train rumblings and we took our feet off the tracks again. This time trains passed on both tracks. When they passed it was time to check on the squished thing again.

She cheered and I said her little dudes were in a state that hurt my soul. She said the art speaks and I said it calls my name! She said that was cool and I said it was but I had to get going as things were hectic right now. She asked what was up and... I couldn't even begin to explain. I just told her to be careful. She said how so and I said to just go home at dark as there was some bad stuff going on. She said like what and again I couldn't begin to explain and just told her to be careful. She said alright and thanked me for the warning about whatever it was I was warning her about. I said don't mention it and that was it. The scene shifted back to town.

In my journal I sketched another figurine in "before squish" and "after squish" states. I drew it under the last one from the other time we did this.

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