Friday 25 January 2019

145 night in the woods - telling the saxophonist about the violinist

Dear Readers,

I went to see Sadie the saxophonist again.

We said hi to each other and she called me a kid, to which I gave my usual reminder that I was 20. She said she was 38 and continued calling me a kid.

I asked her how she found this place. She said she knew about it since she was a kid but only got the nerve to break in recently. I asked her why and she said she wasn't getting any younger and this place could fall down any day. She said you get to a point in life where the number of first-evers gets lower and the number of never-agains gets higher. Wise words! I said I knew what she meant and she said I didn't.

I asked her if she knew that guy across town, the violinist. I said he seemed lonely and she seemed lonely too... so they could play together! She was like uh... and I then asked if I made this weird. She said no, that it was fine. I told her what he played and she said to tell him to stop by if I saw him again,  unless of course, he was a creep or something. I said he didn't seem like a creep and she then said she had mace.

She went back to playing her sax. I shooed some pigeons before leaving. Again, I wanna say I love the music here! The beat and the sax tune, which just leaves the beat when I talk to her.

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