Sunday 27 January 2019

147 night in the woods - deciding on donut wolf with gregg

Dear Readers,

I went to see Gregg at his workplace. He asked how I was holding up and I said I was surviving and told him about the dream I had last night.

I told him "I met God" and that they were kind of a jerk. He offered me a complimentary slushie. Good guy that Gregg :) I asked if it was to replace the idea of a caring god and he offered to throw in some crisps. Very good guy that Gregg :) I told him I was good.

He asked what was up and I asked him "You wanna hang out?" and he was like yeah! and let's roll!

The scene switched to their apartment with our boy on the couch, the thing we built! I said he wasn't looking good and Gregg agreed. I asked what we were doing tonight and he said he didn't know, but we had Bea's car. My speech got all wavy and mischievous(and somewhat noisy?)! I said we should go to Donut Wolf and he said yeah! I hadn't been there since I got back to town and I needed some of those summercakes! He said they had pancakes now too for some reason and I liked the idea.

He addressed me as "cap'n" and prompted for a trip to Donut Wolf — or at least I thought! He looked to the right and the camera zoomed out and Angus was shown in frame! He did not have much to say at all. Gregg said again that they had pancakes and Angus walked off to the left, saying "fine". He was nowhere near as hyper as we were! The two of us yelled out about riding the chariot to doughnut hell before howling in unison! Awoooooooooooooooooo!!

I hope we're not putting Angus out or anything! Also I didn't know they were borrowing Bea's car.

The next section came up with the title "Legends".

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