Saturday 26 January 2019

146 night in the woods - angel themself

Dear Readers,

I went out to the Food Donkey to see Germ and he had someone with him this time. He introduced them as Angel.

I said they had a cool name and they thanked me. Germ said they were just in town between trains. Their plan was to go west and then south for the winter and enjoy life down there.

I have no idea what Angel's gender is... I'm gonna use neutral pronouns.

I said to Angel they may be able to answer a question. Oog... the choices were between asking about the ghost and asking about Casey... I want both! But this time I opted to ask "Have you heard anything about a ghost in town?" and Germ said they had indeed. Angel then said they were just talking about it before I got here. I said really? and they said that nobody ever stops here because of it but they themself weren't superstitious.

Angel continued, saying they punched a cop out on the west coast and fought off his dog to keep a half pizza they found. I was like wow, and asked if finding pizza was a criminal offence. Angel said that "Bro whatever they say is a criminal offence is a criminal offence". Ain't it the friggin' truth :(

After that they said the dumb ones say the ghost grabs the good people. They said they weren't good, so they had nothin' to fear. Angel's cool :)

Germ even said "good by what standard?" and Angel said they were darned if they knew.

Angel then said they didn't believe in ghosts but they knew there was a god up there watching out for all their children down here and they'll say 7 prayers for us which'll keep that nasty ghost at bay. I thanked them and said that was sincerely very kind of them.

Angel said it was a cold world, run by the worst people and good men die for god knows what reason and that we had to take on duties for one another. I thanked them again.

I asked Angel what travelling was like and they said it was good, though they never could stay in one spot. I said I had the exact opposite problem. They then said it was time for them to shove off and we all said bye as they left, leaving Germ and me.

I chatted with Germ again and he said something bad was coming. I said I knew — that it was a ghost, a real life ghost. He said there weren't ghosts and that they weren't a thing :(

I asked him how he knew and he said his brother would have visited. There was a pause between us. I was like geez and he was like welp! Dinner time! before doing his disappearing into the steps trick once again!

Afterwards I walked up to the fence again. I didn't muse on anything this time but whenever I come here I always look up at the hill beyond where I saw the ghost. At least Germ has his reasons for not believing.

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