Thursday 24 January 2019

144 night in the woods - rooftop cartographer

Dear Readers,

I checked in with Angus at his workplace. That was pretty scary what happened to us yesterday.

I asked him if he was okay and he said he was. I kind of lingered because he seemed a bit distant about it. Then he said sorry and not to mind him.

Aw :( I would've loved to chat with him again about it. I know he's not willing with regards to the ghost so maybe that's why he's like this. I hope I can chat with him again later.

I went up to the Smelters fans. One of them was telling a story about a lady named Mabel on the table. The other one was enjoying it. The one telling the story said to get off the table and Mabel then said for him to go up on the table with her. The other one couldn't picture it. The first one said he had to be there and the other one just said he really didn't haha! They're in good humour again :) Also, they're talking about their lives instead of their sports team so that's nice :)

I checked in with my newspaper buddy. They said a coyote wandered into a Snack Falcon out past Briddle and just sat in the sandwich cooler. I asked if it ate a sandwich and they said that according to the article, the coyote just stared at the cashier. I said that was spooky and they said that a coyote was a spooky animal.

I climbed up the stairs in Gregg and Angus' apartment building to the upper rooftops and found some dude up here! I asked what they were doing up here and they were just as surprised to see me. I told him I lived here. He asked if it was here on the roof and I sighed, saying no it was in town. He noted it. I said he was gonna fall and die and he noted that too. I stopped talking.

He then said he was trying to see the town from above so he could draw a map of Towne Centre. I asked about satellite maps that were there already and he shrugged it off, saying he liked making them and found them delightful. I told him I liked maps too, how everything was so tiny. After this I told him to be careful and that I was a professional! Haha! :) I said if he was on the news with a broken spine that he was not to say I didn't warn him! He then said he probably wouldn't be saying anything at that stage and I conceded it was a good point.

It was a weird encounter, though at this stage, I was half expecting him to be a musician.

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