Saturday 12 January 2019

132 night in the woods - my monstrous existence

Dear Readers,

I had another dream, which started out in inky darkness.

I could only go to the left and came into view. I could see stars and pulses of light in the air.

I continued left and eventually the eclipsed moon came into view, looking bigger than ever. The screen zoomed out and I went left some more. I came across a huge creature with pure white eyes and stood in front of it. It was like a cat sitting. I said hello to it, being the first time I ever spoke in these dreams.

Intense, atmospheric, 70s-like sci-fi music started playing. There was a pause. I asked if it could talk and it said yes. I said for some reason it was the first thing here I've thought to talk to. It didn't respond. I asked if it was god and it said no. Another pause. I tried to say something else but it then began to speak.

It said seconds before, little creatures were coming and asking if it was god and it was asking what god was. They were telling it what god was and it was not this god and this god was nowhere. It had a very strange way of speaking... kind of otherworldly. It referred to me in the third person, as if it was talking to itself.

I said "Well, that's where faith comes in I guess". It said little creatures were explaining faith and moments ago were the beginning and it was here then and here now and there was nowhere for god to be hiding. After a brief pause I asked it what I was doing here.

It said "monstrous existence". Heh... I then said no, and meant here specifically. I asked more questions. What was this giant animal? What were those other giant animals from my other dreams before? Had I been seeing ghosts? I recalled seeing bits of the real world put together here, like being on a moving train but also in a town at the same time somehow. It was all... and I lost it. Another pause. I tried to keep this going but it interrupted me again.

It said a great beast was walking through the sands and they were climbing into the air and now they were making a tear and now they were gone and now I was here. I said "What?".

It said little creatures were wandering through the air and they were dragging in places and echoes of lives and they were asking it about god. I said my head hurt. Then it said it was going to tell me something, addressing me directly... in second person... for sure... as the little creature. It said I was swimming further and further out to sea and beyond were things blind and terrible and it was showing me now...

Suddenly, imagery of... uh... what looked like a flea and something else displayed for a few moments along with a creepy sound. I groaned after seeing this. It said these things were blind, but they were seeing me and I was coming to them; after this I was not returning here as it was climbing into the air and closing the sky. I responded "Closing the sky?" and it said yes and I said ok...

It then told me a second thing. There was a hole at the centre of everything and it was always growing; between the stars it was seeing it; it was coming and I was not escaping and the universe was forgetting me and the universe was being forgotten and there was nothing to remember it, not even the things beyond and now there was only the hole. I asked if anything meant anything and it said that this wasn't a question worth answering.

This thing was beginning to sound a bit like Angus.

I piped up. I asked "What about my home? What about my friends?" and it said that soon they were dying, soon they were rotting; we were atoms and our atoms were not caring if we were existing; our atoms were monstrous existence.

Yeah... quite a bit like Angus... but none of his warmth :(

I spoke up again. I asked it why was I here? Why was I chosen to see all of this? Where was this going? It responded, saying I was not chosen as there was no one to choose me. This was going nowhere and we were not meeting again and the universe was forgetting me and it was remembering me, but not because it was caring; the beginning was moments ago and the end was moments away; there was no time to forget before all was forgotten. It said goodbye to me.

The dream faded away. No musicians this time, just this big huge creature sounding all cryptic and nihilistic. Brrr... I wanted to wake up and live.

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