Tuesday 29 January 2019

149 night in the woods - the donut wolf bathroom incident

Dear Readers,

Finally, Donut Wolf! Gregg and I were having another one of our "too bad this horrible thing didn't happen to you" exchanges :)

Angus asked if we were done as we walked inside. This place had its own music, like the Snack Falcon had its own music. We were glad to finally make it! Kinda crappy having to use a car to get here instead of just walking to it in town... risking flat tyres with no phone reception and everything...

We walked up to the store clerk who welcomed us with their programmed sales pitch. I put my hands on my hips and lowered my eyes, greeting him as sir and saying he had some mighty fine doughnuts there :P He thanked me politely. Angus ordered a half dozen Go-Nuts and Gregg said we should get Chariot Wheels. Angus said they got that last time and I said I wanted Slammercakes. The clerk said they were out of Slammercakes and I asked how could they be out of Slammercakes as that was like, half the reason to come here. Angus said to just pick something. Gregg had an ellipsis. Angus then ordered half a dozen Chariot Wheels. The clerk then asked if we wanted them with Eternity Sauce and Angus said no.

I said alright and that I'll take "6 Chariot Wheels." without Eternity Sauce. I said the last time I had that I stayed up all night cleaning the entire house. Angus asked if we were eating here and I didn't mind and Gregg said yeah, let's eat here. Angus said fine, and walked off to the right to find us a seat. I said I had to go to the bathroom and walked off to the right as well. Gregg was like ok... and said this was fun...

This wasn't fun though. I looked in the bathroom mirror at myself. I asked myself why things were weird... Why didn't this feel good? Everything was stupid. I looked away and thought about breaking something.

Some random graffiti on the wall there... HKC+SC.... CGE...KR... some doodles... not much I could understand here.

Sudden shift in scene to me with my hand on a toilet roll. I now had control again and started unravelling the whole thing while guitar music played! I recognised the tune being the same as the one from the trailer for the game! Another shift to me using my claws to put scrawl marks on the wall. Yowch! Then I stomped the toilet paper into the bowl with my foot before flushing it! Then I stuffed wads of wet toilet paper into the hand dryer! One, two, three, four, five... I was about to turn it on when the door opened and the music stopped. It was Gregg. He told me to stop.

The scene shifted back to both of us in front of the mirror this time. I guess this bathroom is unisex. He asked what I was doing and I asked him back what did it look like I was doing. He said ok fine and that was a... and I interrupted him by saying dumb question. He then asked why I was doing this and I said do I need a reason? He said yeah, he kinda thought I did. I asked since when and what was he even doing in here? He said he was getting me and I said I could find my way out myself. He said fine! and I said fine! A couple of more "fine!"s over and back and he asked if I went before I decided to trash the bathroom. I groaned and said I didn't even have to go and he was like ok geez...

After a brief pause I then announced that I did have to go now! He said we had a table for when I was done and I just said leave.

I'm not sure what sparked this in me! Was it the yelling over the flat tyre or was it something else. It was probably a combination of many things, plus things I haven't really learned yet.

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