Wednesday 9 January 2019

129 night in the woods - don't look at him

Dear Readers,

"Don't look at him" Angus said to me. In my own, carefree way I thought for a moment he was talking about Gregg but... he was talking about someone else...

"There's someone standing behind us" he said. Seriously, OMG. I was so wrapped up in his story and the constellations and everything that I didn't even freaking see that... that thing standing behind us until he said it.

"Don't look at him."

The music died and the ambient sound became more unsettling.

"There's someone standing behind us."

It was then I looked at the right side of the screen and saw it, just standing there, as still as the trees. The camera slowly shifted over to it then.

Holy S#1t indeed.

I asked him what they looked like. It wasn't me as Mae who was looking, but me, the player. I genuinely had no idea at all the figure was standing there until Angus said it, though it was in the shot. I reloaded this scene and checked again. The figure didn't walk into the shot — the camera just made it kind of blend in before moving very slowly to show more of it. The camerawork here is so slight but unbelievably effective. I was gripped.

Angus said it was tall and wearing some kind of weird coat, like a utility coat. I was dead certain that was the ghost. He was more worried about it being a living person, standing in the woods, staring at us. He was holding on to this principles no doubt, but he did have a point. That is a really freaking creepy thing for a living person to do. He said not to panic and to follow his lead.

I couldn't believe what Angus did next. He actually turned to the figure and made small talk with it, asking if it was out for a hike, saying it was a nice night and everything.

The figure did not respond.

Angus said it wasn't responding. I said that was a little hostile, right? And he said it was definitely a little hostile.

I leaped up on my feet and turned to the figure this time. I yelled at it, telling it I knew what it did! Angus begged me not to go on but I went on! I yelled again, telling the figure I saw it! Angus just said we were gonna run now and we had to get to the car. I brought up his asthma and he reminded me about his inhaler. He said no one in Heaven or Earth could stop him and I said ok, let's go. He took some deep breaths and roared, breaking out into a run! I ran behind him and we dashed past the figure, who continued to just stand there. Gosh we looked so slow and clumsy, but we didn't care! I couldn't control anything either, we just ran right past the gravestones and out of the scene!

The camera lingered. The figure finally moved and dashed after us, super swift and super creepy!

My gosh this scene was electrifying!

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