Sunday 6 January 2019

126 night in the woods - whirly note things

Dear Readers,

Angus and I arrived at his old scout camp. He was last here about a decade ago.

I told him he was the ancient sea monster now who has fossilised remains and he said it looks like it. He kept going and I followed. He stopped at some steps that led to a platform and said it looked like some whirly note things came back. I asked him what he meant and he described the things where I was making the wheel spin and the little helicopter thing few off! He said the idea behind those things were that they were spring loaded helicopters that carried messages away. He said it looked like some of them came back. I told him that was an amazing coincidence and he said no, that they would read notes that they sent the year before. I said I would look out for some more! He wanted to climb the stairs of the structure and he did. I went up after him and he said there were more and I said I was gonna look. I picked up 3 or 4 of the helicopter things from the bushes and brought them to him.

I wondered if it was ok to check these, that maybe we should leave them for the scouts and he said it was fine, that any of the ones up here wouldn't last the winter anyway. Cool, so I was excited to read them! These must've been the exact same things I found on the roofs of Possum Springs earlier and made fly into the air :)

We read one and it said "Hi. I'm not supposed to write my name. And that's fine, because I am a scout. And that is the only name I need." I said it was intense and he read on "The scouts gave me more than a name, they gave me badges. To show my worth. I would kill for the scouts." I was like geez and asked him if he was like this. He said kinda or sometimes or no or maybe.

The next message made him laugh. "I am super, super gay." it said. I laughed too and asked him if he wrote this one. He said he could have! He said his message was about being strong and good. I added that it was apparently also about being gay and he said he thought his total gayness came through to the discerning reader. Haha.

The next one said "I like shooting arrows they are cool to shoot in fact I think we should shoot arrows instead of guns when we're in the army it has a tactical advantage in that it is silent and also elegant". I was like huh.

You know, it sounds like maybe Gregg wrote this one and the first one sounds like Germ could've written it.

The next one was a bit torn, like a bird could've gotten to it. I said to read the bird note anyway. It said "I am extremely unhappy, and you're the only person who knows.". We paused for a few moments at this. He hummed and I asked him what was it and he said that nothing ever changes, that these could've just as easily been their notes from 10 years ago. He said there was a timelessness about people, that some things just don't stop being what we are. We hummed a bit, then paused a while to think about it. I wonder who this could've been...

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