Wednesday 30 January 2019

150 night in the woods - eating too many doughnuts

Dear Readers,

I left the bathroom and joined Gregg and Angus at our table. It was kinda quiet and tense. I decided to break the tension.

I made small talk, asking them how they were doing, if anything was new besides what was going on lately with ghosts and stuff. No response.

I asked Angus how he got a loan of Bea's car and he finally spoke. He said she was going to go to a party out of town but he guessed she lost her nerve. He then said he and Gregg were supposed to do something. I said this was something! Then there was a pause. He then said let's just eat. Gregg said the same. I went ahead and said woohoo!, trying to deal with the tension in the air!

The scene then shifted to the big pile of doughnuts we ordered. I was like oh god with them, if god even existed. I asked Angus if doughnuts ever made him think twice about not believing in god and he said no.

Gregg and I took a doughnut each. Angus didn't take any.

I asked them how our son was working out, the big machine thing that Gregg and I got going. Angus said he was in their living room and I said he sure was!

Angus and I took a doughnut each this time. Gregg didn't take any.

I said to Gregg he was being awful quiet. He said he was just eating. I said he never had a problem talking and eating at the same time. He and Angus both made an ellipsis each.

Then Gregg and I took a doughnut each. Angus didn't take any. My tummy started gurgling. I said I was doughnut sick already.

All of a sudden Angus said it smelled. Gregg was like dude... I asked if it was Donut Wolf and Angus said it was the robot thing. Gregg said he thought Angus would like it. He said he smelled and Angus liked him! I said yeah to both of those things! I said Gregg spent a lot of time and effort on that robot because he thought Angus would love it. Angus then said no, that he did it because it was fun, no matter what could happen. I was like geez... Gregg made another ellipsis.

Angus and I took another doughnut each. I gurgled again and said I was feeling woozy. The table did get woozier. I then told Angus he was being rude. He then answered back, saying they're trying to get out of here, both working their butts off and here I came waltzing back into town and suddenly Gregg is breaking into grocery stores. Gregg interjected with abandoned ones! and Angus continued, talking about us stealing car batteries and Gregg once again interjected with abandoned ones! and Angus continued, saying we were messing up their already crappy apartment. Gregg was like c'mon. I then jumped in with asking how it was my fault. They both made ellipses. I said whatever and continued eating.

This time, all three of us took a doughnut each! They both took one at the same time and I took one. The music stopped and my tummy gurgled again. The table got very blurry this time as I said oh sweet cripes and felt like I was falling into the sky.

There was one doughnut left when everything got blurry and faded out.

This was a tense scene. The happy everyday tune of the shop contrasting with the tense atmosphere between all of us really made it! I really do feel guilty about putting Angus out with this trip here and the flat tyre and everything... and I know about their situation and their hopes and dreams. I hope we all make up and have a group hug soon or something.

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