Sunday 20 January 2019

140 night in the woods - my babies rule this town!

Dear Readers,

I went down the church steps to find that my rat babies had left the nest and the building and were now spreading out in the town!

I went into the building and checked out the weird room again. I wondered what was in the fridge and the dresser but then held myself back, asking myself what I was doing with myself at all.

I thought it must've been weird to sleep in the bed every night, alone in the building except for Telezoft downstairs. I then thought that maybe they worked down there, going down in their pyjamas and was like "hey everybody I just woke up and I live at work." For a split second the notion was entertaining but it then just struck me as being absolutely horrible. I wouldn't like this at all :( Imagine if the worker who recently left lived here. Jeez.

I went into the closet again for fun! I wondered what was in there and felt some shoes and some shirts and a golf club or something. I also felt a sword, which I found pretty weird. I entertained the notion of robbing a bank with it while disguised as a dashing thief! I thought about it more and shuddered, thinking I'd probably stab my own neck on accident.

I then wondered where this person peed.

None of my rat babies were in this room. They were everywhere else around here now though.

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