Sunday 13 January 2019

133 night in the woods - back to my fellow little creatures

Dear Readers,

I woke up after speaking to the huge creature, dying to communicate with fellow little creatures again. I went online.

There were away messages from Gregg, Bea and Angus.

Bea had a morning greeting and said she was at the Pickaxe if I was in Towne Centre today. She said she didn't even know why she was saying this as I was in Towne Centre everyday and said she'd see me later.

Gregg said he was at the ol' Snalcon and to come save him from boredome supreme.

Angus' message was... his away message from yesterday. Why did it show up as a new notification thingy?

The purple turnip of bad news said that the Turnup founder Mike Eggplant was to buy the postal service. Ugggghhhh! A vital service for everybody being bought out by someone with bad vegetable puns! That huge creature in my dream was right about this existence being monstrous! Is this purple turnip part of that service? Bleh.

I gave Sharkle another click before logging off. I always need your giggles, Sharkle.

It was only now I noticed the horn and axe I salvaged too!

I left my room and told the bird I was able to understand it now, being all trapped and stuff. I thought for a moment about letting it out... but decided not to.

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