Thursday 31 January 2019

151 night in the woods - gregg and the sheep

Dear Readers,

Angus, Gregg and I sat on the wall outside Donut Wolf. I was not feeling good.

The ambient BGM here has the odd dog barking sound here and there! I like the scenery here with the big DONUT WOLF neon sign and car park along with the building itself. Nice starry night along with those glowing masts on the hills.

Gregg said puke wasn't usually that colour. Angus said this was like multiple colours. Gregg asked if I was okay and I said "Yeah. No. Ugh.", saying my mouth tasted like broken dreams. I then told them I was really mad at them. Gregg asked why and I said I hated awkward silences. I asked them if I was ruining their lives and if I was, to just tell me instead of whatever this awkward silencing was. I asked "Do you not like me anymore, Angus?" and he was surprised, saying that he liked me fine. I asked him why he was being weird then.

Angus started to say something but then Gregg said he'd take it. Angus thanked him. Gregg asked me if I remembered his uncle, reminding me he had a sheep farm out past Briddle and out by the interstate. I said yeah kinda. He then said that when he was 8 his parents got sick of him and made him spend a month there in the summer. He spent the whole time following his uncle around.

The only options I had to say were about sheep. I said "Sheep are cool." and that I had a stuffed sheep named Gordon. Gregg said they were real dumb and continued.

He said one afternoon before dinner, his uncle left him by the pen and for some reason, he opened the gate. I asked "Why?" and he said he had no idea and that kids were like sheep; real dumb. I said they so were.

He said a bunch of the sheep immediately bolted and he chased after them, calling them dumb sheep. Angus said Gregg was tired but Gregg continued. He said the sheep ran across the field and into the woods and there was this really steep hill that went down the interstate... I said oh no... and asked what happened then. He said 4 got splattered by a semi truck and some ran back up the hill, but three made it over the median and across to the other side where they just stopped. He got to the bottom of the hill, by the road, which was then covered in sheep guts and bits and pieces. I urped... Not being in the greatest condition to be listening to this story right now.

Gregg continued, saying he and the sheep then just looked at each other across the interstate with him waving his hands. Two sheep ran back and got hit by another truck and I just said "God.". He then said the remaining one ran down the hill on the other side into the woods and no one ever saw him again. I was like geez dude and said "Hey- your tattoo!" and he was like yeah. I then laughed and said I sleuthed the meaning. I said that was awful for him and took pity on the poor sheep.

Gregg then said if he was in their position, he'd have run too and wanted to be the one that got away. And he wanted Angus to come with him. He said he failed those sheep, just like how... everything... had failed them. I was about to say that was a bit... but he said no one even denied it. He said no one tried to talk them out of leaving here. Then he said that yeah, being the only queer people in town sucked.

Aw :(... I said I was here! He said I already left once and I said I was back though! Then he said he couldn't stay, that neither of them could stay. I said I guess... then he said he loved Angus. Angus then said he loved both of us... though obviously in different ways. I thanked him for clarifying.

Gregg then said they had a plan and that they're working their butts off to make it happen. Angus said they were two guys, doing full time for minimum wage. Gregg said he himself had to grow up a bit and that he did actually grow up a bit...

And you know... I can see it in him...

Gregg then turned to me and said I had to let him change.

There was a pause.

Angus then said he was sorry for being rude earlier and I said it was ok.

Another pause.

I asked them if they remembered the time we almost burned down the school and Gregg laughed, saying he did. It involved fireworks and the student council poster going fwoosh and Gregg said that was a good night, getting soaked from sprinklers, running through the car park, laughing our butts off! I laughed along with him.

Then there was another pause.

I then said that was maybe the best night of my entire life and he said it was one of the all time greats and that kids still talk about it. That night lives on! I said we could at least be legends and he said forever.

After another pause I declared tonight to be a complete bust. Angus said he was sorry again and I laughed, telling him to stop apologising. Gregg said he was sorry too and I said it was cool and that I had an idea. Gregg was like yeah? and I asked him if he was up for one more big crime and I told Angus he could come this time too. Angus hesitated but he finally said ok! Gregg was like aw Cap'n! Cap'n Criminal!

This was a lovely touching scene with friends making up and stuff :) and wow what a story Gregg had about his uncle's sheep. Yikes! I wonder if his cousin was around for those events?

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