Monday 28 January 2019

148 night in the woods - flat tyre

Dear Readers,

I was in the car with Angus and Gregg on our way to Donut Wolf. It was very cool of Angus to drive us there.

I had just finished giving Gregg a list of all the people I had kissed. He said it was 2 people or rather, one and a half. I was like whatever, like as if his average was any better.

We then turned to Angus. I said he was being really quiet and he said sorry. I asked if he was okay and he didn't say anything. Gregg chirped again about getting pancakes but Angus was still all quiet. I poked Angus with my words, talking about flapjacks, trying to get his attention by saying I was paging Doctor Flap Jackson to please report to my belly. He finally said something about pancakes and we were both like dude... then he ran over some kind of bump and the car sounded very different.

Gregg asked if we got a flat tyre and Angus said we were pulling over. I yelped something about Donut Wolf and Angus just stopped and said my name... Then Gregg said we'll get there and we'll push the car. Angus then said we were to stay in the car.

The scene switched to us standing outside the car in the dark of night, stars all around. Angus was answering why you don't drive on a flat. We had no idea. He said you just don't and it messes up the wheel or something. I asked him how he knew so much about cars and Gregg said we could fix it. Angus asked with what and he said people knew about fixing tyres. Angus then said yeah, when they have a gosh darn tyre, barking back. I tried to calm them down.

Gregg asked Angus why he was being a jerk and Angus asked why he had to be the responsible one. I tried again to calm them down by asking for their attention. Angus yelled what, Mae?! at me and Gregg told him not to yell at me. I groaned and said I was gonna wander. Angus said fine! and Gregg said fine! too.

I could now move around. Yeesh. My best friends having a tiff like this is upsetting to see. They had symbols in their speech, of a thundercloud, a spiral, a heart, a broken heart, a weeping eye... it seemed very emotional. A speech prompt thing came up for Gregg but he was too engaged with Angus to speak to me right now. To the right of them I thought about what could fix a flat tyre. I thought about sticks, rocks, leaves, wood, dirt, thinking crazily about whittling a wrench out of a log. Other mad notions I had included training an owl to do owl tricks. Then I told myself to focus.

I was now able to speak to the guys, asking what we were gonna do. I wasn't sure if I had this option in the first place or not... Angus said he was trying to figure out what we were gonna do and Gregg said we could call someone. Angus then shot back with sarcasm, asking if we suddenly carried phones because there was magically signal now in this piece of crud town... They continued arguing.

It was a serious moment I guess. I couldn't jump on the car or anything. I went left to the flat tyre. I yelled out at the lads, calling them dinguses. They both said what and I said there was a spare tyre back here. Gregg said that was nice and Angus said that was one good thing. I asked if anyone knew how to change it and Angus said he did. I asked if I could help and he said no. Gregg was like dude... and Angus said I wasn't a bad person but he didn't trust me with any part of this process... There was a pause after this and Gregg and I were both like geez...

Then the scene shifted! Dang it! I wanted to see if there was anything else to the left of here but I can't go back anymore. Oh well... maybe on another playthrough.

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