Sunday 20 October 2019

1 undertale - finally playing the game for myself!

Dear Readers,

I finally get around to playing this game! After watching many YouTubers and streamers play it, I'm gonna play it for myself!

I got the Japanese version on cartridge because Fangamer ran out of American copies, but after I bought it, they replenished their supply! There aren't any European physical copies. Oh well.

Also the little booklet that shows the prologue is in Japanese and is a little bit of a glitter bomb. It's lovely otherwise. The game itself, though this is the Japanese physical release, is in English for me.

An update patch downloaded as well but I didn't need it to start and it didn't take long at all to download and install.

A patch for Minecraft downloaded itself while I was playing and this made the game freeze. Yikes...

The prologue exposition about the war between the humans and monsters is quite nice and the text scrolling sounds like rain tapping on a sheet of metal. It's great to hear the game directly at last :)

I love when the title dramatically comes in and it looks all zoomed in and low-res haha :)

I start playing the game with the dynamic border setting, hoping it'll be like Wario Land 2 on the Super Game Boy when you go to a different level. The wobbly text on the name decision screen is cool. Also, loading times seem to be non-existent! Always a plus :) This border is a purple wall with ivy growing on it.

I am Rocket! The character who fell down this hole in the prologue, landing in a yellow bed of flowers. I walk down this corridor and through a door with fancy looking pillars.

I meet a character named Flowey the Flower. A smiley, friendly little thing in the next room. It's all dark except for the spotlight on them. They told me they have to teach me how things work in the underground.

Flowey takes me to the battle screen where I'm a red heart. They tell me about my SOUL and my LV. According to them, LV stands for LOVE and they'd share some with me through little white "friendliness pellets."

Fortunately I know this flower is an evil flower. It mightn't be clear on the back of my Japanese copy's box, which has a huge picture of Flowey along with text I don't understand, but I know from the internet.

The happy music got slower and Flowey smiled a little less when I dodged their "friendliness pellets". Flowey gave me another chance.

I avoided them again and Flowey stopped smiling entirely, the music slowing even more. Flowey told me to run into the bullets before firing more of them at me. Flowey also quickly changed the word bullets into friendliness pellets. Yikes!

I avoided once again and Flowey's face turned evil and their text became wobbly and sounding less sweet. They said I knew what was going on here, didn't I? I just wanted to see them suffer, right?

Flowey made a huge ring of bullets surround and close up around me, telling me to DIE. It laughed an evil laugh as the bullets closed in... when suddenly they dissipated and they stopped laughing. A flame from somewhere struck them and made them fly away with an argh!

Toriel then emerged from the right. She told me not to be afraid, calling me her child. She introduced herself to me, that she was a caretaker of the ruins. She said she passes through this place every day to see if anyone has fallen down and I was the first human to come here in a long time. She told me to come and she would guide me through the catacombs.

I pass up through another fancy looking doorway and follow Toriel.

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