Friday 11 October 2019

391 night in the woods - let's get outta the well! let's get outta the woods!

Dear Readers,

I climbed out of the well and soon was greeted by a friendly Germ! He was amazed when I told him we were all stuck down in the well in his backyard. I told him it had been a really bad night. I asked him if he had rope and he said yeah! I then had to ask him if he could go get it before he ran back home to get it.

Below in the well, everyone heard Germ and asked what was up. I said he lived here! Soon, Germ came back with rope and we all got out at last!

Gregg, Angus and Bea were all exhausted after the climb. Germ said he brought some sodas! I told him he was the best. He really is :) He said we needed the sugar and caffeine and we sure did. Love him lots :)

We wanted to get well away from this well and I asked Germ if he could seal it up. He said he had dynamite and yeah, that would work! We thanked him and he just said ok bye before walking off home. Weird guy indeed but a good man :)

As we walked away, Bea said it just occurred to her that we caused the deaths of like a dozen guys down there with that cave in. Gregg said it was self-defence and I said no no no! They're still alive down there!

Everyone stared at me.

I then said oh gosh. Gregg said we were blameless as they attacked us. Bea said one of them attacked us. It was morally grey and I said we weren't murderers as we wouldn't have done it if we had a choice. After a pause, Angus said he would have. Bea was like uh... and Angus said they killed people and they were trying to get us to kill people too! He said screw 'em! He said he didn't even believe in hell and he hoped they'd all go straight there. Gregg was like geez, Angus and Angus said that's what he thinks at least.

I then brought up that trolley thing, that morality test thing. Gregg didn't know what it was so Bea said she'd explain it if we kept walking. And that's what we did. We walked right out of the woods.

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