Friday 4 October 2019

384 night in the woods - we can't sleep but at least we have wifi

Dear Readers,

I shuffled into Angus and Gregg's apartment, barely able to stand. Gregg and Bea both looked wide-eyed at me and Bea was like holy crap it's Mae!

I said it's me. Gregg said I came back to life and Bea said she didn't think I was dead. Gregg then flailed his arms around with excitement, yelling pizza party!!!

The scene played like it did last time and I laid on the couch. This time Gregg didn't do the th sound thing when Bea said shhh.

Pizza was ordered and it was uneventful, though everyone waited in the dark for it, taking precautions.

Conversation during pizza time went the same way and this time I tried eating one of Gregg's crusts after not being able to finish even a single slice due to being all gurgly and unwell.

Later still I was talking to mom on the phone while sitting on the kitchen floor, telling her I was sorry. It went the exact same way it did last time too. I said I was staying the night and the arrangement was to have Bea drive me home in the morning.

Later again Angus offered me a brownie. I couldn't take it as I'd puke my actual guts out and I kinda needed them right now.

Gregg and Germ were in the living room. All was quiet. Gregg said dude, wild week, huh? and I said you could say that. He said when we get out of this and I said I didn't know if we were getting out of this. He said well, even if we don't and we're ghosts we should hang out more. I said deal. Awwww... I feel bad about not hanging out with Gregg on this playthrough now! Had a similar conversation with Bea on the last playthrough :)

Germ told me about the game he was playing and didn't say anything extra about it. Werewolf: Shred The Gnar 3.

Bea was happy they had WiFi and said it was like a real place, at least within range. I told her I didn't even have a phone because of this place. I said it was the 1800s here. She said hey Mae? and I was like yeah? and she said she was really glad I wasn't dead. I said me too. We both then made ellipses and said yeah awkwardly. Aww :) nice of her to say.

I said I was "gonna like... wander around the apartment." and she said not to push myself. I made sure I spoke with everyone before saying "Can we all hit the sack?" to Bea. She said cool and she'd be right out.

I said to everyone else hey kids can we do lights out now? Gregg was like yeah dude and Germ said he'd see us all tomorrow. He had mace just in case after being followed himself that time. He told me to take care of myself, calling me by my full name.

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