Monday 21 October 2019

2 undertale - toriel's tutorials

Dear Readers,

I started following Toriel through the ruins. She stopped and started so I could keep up with her. I found the first shiny save point and saved and filled up on determination. I continued following her up the stairs and through the next door. She said "Welcome to your new home". As nice as she is I'm not sure I like the sound of that...

She introduced me to the concept of solving puzzles to open doors, stepping on and activating switches, giving me praise along the way.

The music in the ruins is nice with some pleasant piano music and a friendly beat.

She then introduced me to monster attacks and encounters and told me they would be inevitable. She instructed me that during a fight I was to stall for time with conversation and then she would come along and break up the fight. We came to a dummy and she told me to practise talking to it. I talked to her again and she advised me on stuff to talk about like how do you do or have a joke about something. She then told me the shin-gles joke, which was nice enough :)

I talked to the Dummy and got into my first FIGHT. A dark screen with a green grid came up along with a second person narration box and my own basic stats and actions. A groovy bass line played during this and I know it to accompany the full battle music later.

I chose ACT and Talk, talking to the Dummy. It didn't seem much for conversation but Toriel seemed happy with me. With this I WON!, winning 0 points or whatever else. She gave me praise and we walked on.

In the next room, a Froggit attacked me! I checked its glum self out and it seemed life was difficult for it. Toriel then appeared from the right, wearing a very unfriendly glare and the Froggit slowly slinked off to the left.

Afterwards Toriel took my hand and guided me across the huge bed of spikes, which briefly went away for us when she walked in a certain pattern. She said puzzles were a bit too dangerous for now.

In the next room she gave me a difficult request... to walk to the end of the room all by myself! She dashed ahead and I walked after her while trial music played. It was pretty easy but that was her challenge for me! When I got to the end of the room, she popped out from behind the pillar. She said she wanted to test my independence. She then said she had to attend to some business and I had to stay alone for a while. She asked me to remain here as it was dangerous to explore by myself. She gave me a mobile phone and told me to call if I had a need for anything. Then she walked ahead and I waited...

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