Wednesday 23 October 2019

4 undertale - choosing cinnamon and sparing my first monsters

Dear Readers,

When I got into the next room, Toriel got her phone back and called me! She apologised and said a strange dog kidnapped her phone. She praised me for staying in the room. She said the puzzles in this next room were dangerous for me to solve without her explanation.

I went ahead and there was a Froggit just standing here. It told me about MERCY and to please use it when a monster doesn't want to fight me anymore.

There was a door to a room above. A sign in front of an altar said to 'take one', so I did. I got the Monster Candy with its distinct, non-liquorice flavour. I gotta say, the Americans spell that word a lot more simply than we have to... I decided not to take anymore and went on.

I saved in the crinkly leaves, which filled me with determination.

I then got attacked by a Whimsun! The regular battle theme played now. I guess that's it for Toriel's tutorials. That small white dog put a stop to them!

The Whimsun approached meekly and looked kinda meek. On checking it seemed too sensitive to fight. After this, its name turned yellow and I was able to do my first Spare move! I got attacked by another shortly afterward and I was able to spare it straight away.

In the next room it was all cracks. I fell through and landed on crinkly red leaves. I was able to get back up through the next door. Seems like a narrow passage though. But it shows that I fall through cracks at least.

In the next room Toriel rang me again. She asked me if I preferred cinnamon or butterscotch. I said cinnamon, though I don't really have a preference. She then thanked me and hung up. I walked a few steps and she rang again. She asked me if I didn't dislike butterscotch. I don't but she didn't give me an option. She thanked me again and hung up. This room was just a matter of pushing a rock onto the switch and moving on.

The next room had a pattern of cracked floor tiles I could walk across, but I had to fall in order to suss them out.

A Froggit attacked. I gave it a compliment. It didn't understand me but was flattered anyway. It was reluctant to fight me now so I spared it.

Next a Whimsun and Froggit attacked me at once. I spared the Whimsun and the Froggit meowed. I then complimented it and spared it. Its attacks are just these little dots that stop and start. Easy enough to avoid.

Two Froggits then attacked and it was then I learned that it was mustard seed. When two of them fight, the seeds are more numerous. I had to spend two turns complimenting them too.

The sign downstairs asked me not to step on the red leaves and the sign upstairs in the middle of the one patch of red leaves that was up there gave out to me for not complying. Oops!

In the next room I came across a pair of Moldsmals. They were curvaceously attractive, but no brains. They attacked with zigzaggy diamonds. I was able to spare both of them at the same time straight away! Woo!

In this room there were three rocks to push on switches. The bottom one started talking to me when I tried to push. It obliged with my intention to move it, but it only moved a little, then it moved in the wrong direction and it didn't want to stay then so I had to keep correcting it. It said I was giving it a real workout. It called me pumpkin haha. It was right though, things were easier when you just ask.

In the next room, there was a squeaky mousehole and a piece of cheese stuck to the table it was on. I saved here and the thought of the mouse maybe someday getting the cheese after leaving its hole filled me with determination.

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