Wednesday 16 October 2019

396 night in the woods - last few chats in towne centre

Dear Readers,

I went to Towne Centre to check up on stuff on the last day.

The Telezoft worker, that poor creature, didn't have enough hours at Ham Panther. Do they have two jobs now? Working life is so horrible :(

I chatted with the janitor for the last time. He kind of bookends the game. He's even standing next to the Party Barn, where the game ends. I'll be exploring a good bit more before turning it in to the credits though.

The janitor asked me what it was like being home, if things were like I remembered them. This time I said "No.", like I wanted to say last time. Then I said I didn't know and went back to saying I didn't even remember today. The conversation went on just as mysteriously as it did last time, before we said see ya to each other and he walked off to the left. Maybe he knew my name from when I had that fall and had to be taken to hospital.

Pickaxe was indeed closed for the day.

I climbed up to Lori M for one last chat. She asked me if I was ok because I was in hospital and she was all worried. Such a sweetie :)

We talked about the dudes being messed up in the tunnel and she said she did that. I asked her why and she said she didn't know and asked why I cared so much. This time I said "The dudes! The dudes are sacred!" She asked why and I said they were like a part of this place! She went on to say this entire place was royally messed up and nobody cared. She wanted someone to notice things weren't ok. She said this town was like a horror movie that never stops and it wasn't even a good one. I said yeah it might suck but it was our horror movie and this time I added "What kind of movie would you want it to be?" She said she didn't know. Then she said romantic comedy. Everyone lives in clean shiny places in those and they're all pretty and they kiss. Good answer! I really did want to know what she had to say here!

I then said but they're horrible to sit through and you end up hating every person onscreen. She made an ellipsis before saying yeah, they were always pretty hateable. I said it was ok to hate them as they weren't real people. She said yeah, that fictional people didn't mind. I said I meant the actors. She said me too.

I asked her if her family did stuff for the holidays. She said her dad was usually away for Thanksgiving but home for Longest Night. It was here I invited her to my house for Thanksgiving dinner and she got all panicky, the poor thing! I said we could talk about it later and she thanked me between huffs. Then I said I'd see her later, tomorrow probably. She thanked me for hanging out with her and I said no prob, telling her to try not to burn anything down in the meantime. I love her.

She's another reason why I want this game to keep going on. I want to see the scene where she's enjoying Thanksgiving at my house!

I told the teens in the tunnel to watch it when they gave cheek about Sadie and Saleem playing their beautiful music together.

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