Monday 28 October 2019

9 undertale - deciding to leave toriel

Dear Readers,

I stood behind Toriel in the purple corridor. She said I wished to return "home", did I not?, putting the word "home" in quotes. She said ahead of us lied the end of the ruins...

This was a one-way exit to the rest of the underground. She said she was going to destroy it so no one would ever be able to leave again. She told me to be a good child and go upstairs...

I wanted to see what would happen if I did stay, so I went upstairs and went to bed and everything, but nothing different happened. She was still down there.

I went back and found her further down the corridor, her back to me still. She had a more serious look on her face as she spoke this time. She said every human that fell down here met the same fate... she saw it again and again, how they come, they leave and then they die. She said if I left the ruins, they... Asgore... would kill me. She said she was only protecting me and asked if I understood. She then told me to go to my room.

I decided to go upstairs again... Again I went to sleep and nothing extra happened.

I went back down to her again. She said not to stop her and that this was my final warning. Again I went back to my room and in to bed, but this time, something different really DID happen!

I heard a voice, which sounded quite a bit like Asgore's. It told me to please wake up, that I was the future of humans and monsters. I got the message again when I went back in to bed again, so I continued downstairs.

Toriel was standing in front of the door at the end of the passage. She said I wanted to leave so badly? before saying hmph, I was just like the others. She said there was only one solution to this... and told me to prove myself, to prove to her I was strong enough to survive.

Suddenly I was in a battle with Toriel! The music was crazy epic too, like a mix between David Wise and epic midi stuff! She stood facing me with a serious look on her face.

I checked her out and apparently she knew what was best for me. Her attacks were her normally big friendly hands shooting towards me like missiles.

I tried talking to her but I couldn't think of any conversation topics. Again and again I tried but I couldn't and her fire attacks were crazy hard to avoid! Ironically, the talking tip she gave me wouldn't work, but then again it was her I was facing in battle. I eventually fled. She said that was right, and ordered me to go upstairs.

I did... to heal. I went back down to her and she said already? What would it take for me to learn my lesson? She faced me in battle again.

I decided to spare her and she made an ellipsis before attacking. She made several more as I kept choosing spare. This got reactions out of her so I kept doing it. She asked me what was I doing? What was I trying to prove with this? She told me to attack or run away! And yes I did have to run when I got really weak, several times. I'll try again. I have to face her.

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