Monday 7 October 2019

387 night in the woods - the mine is still freaking creepy

Dear Readers,

I shuffled slowly into the mine with Bea, Gregg and Angus close behind me. Bea said well this isn't dangerous or anything and I said haha, nothing to be scared of down there. Just a party. Bea laughed a little and said it wasn't too late to throw ourselves into traffic instead. We walked for a while and reached the elevator.

Angus said it looked like that guy took the elevator down. We didn't have the element of surprise now as the elevator would surely make a lot of noise. Bea asked me if we were sure we wanted to do this. Gregg was like yeah, you sure? to me.

I said I didn't know if they understood but that guy was in my head and everything was either dead or dying. I couldn't function and had to deal with this. I told them I didn't know what was gonna happen down there. Bea said ok then, we'll come out of this together. Angus went back to pull the elevator lever. The creaky old elevator with that eerie red glow came up to us and we took it down.

When we came out below I was coughing a lot. Angus kindly offered his inhaler and I said it wasn't asthma but I thanked him anyway. We decided to be quiet as there were noises ahead. Bea agreed, saying we gotta save up for the screaming later. I laughed a little before we took a very long walk down the ever increasing creepiness of this old mine shaft. Atmospheric noises got creepier and creepier as we ventured.

We broke our silence when Angus said door. I said door. Bea said tunnel. Gregg said whatever. I then said here we go.

We reached what I called last time, the creepiest room ever. It disturbed everyone. It was like some kind of church and I knew immediately that whatever it was was in here and up ahead. It got dark and the only thing that was left to guide us was me stopping and saying I know you're in here. I demanded it say something.

I got my response. It was saying to take more steps forward if we wanted to die. Bea demanded whoever it was to show themselves and Gregg said that we were 5 times scarier than them! The cultists lit a lamp and showed themselves.

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