Tuesday 8 October 2019

388 night in the woods - confronting the cultists

Dear Readers,

We confronted the cultists, face to face, with the hole between us.

The scene played out much the same as it did on my last playthrough, when them revealing everything that was going on and how this place was found and how this hole was found... and the voice that came from it. They said they knew I heard that voice in my dreams and in waking times. This time I asked "So what does this have to do with you, or me, or anyone?"

At this question they skipped the part about the Black Goat and how it sings to you and went straight on to how it was the end of the world with jobs gone etc. which made Bea groan.

They went on, saying that after praying so much at the church and getting nothing, they got answers back when they came to this hole. I said "Answers?" and the leader skipped the part about singing again and said that the guy named Ed Skudder persuaded people and had some kind of weird glimmer thing that said he could walk through walls. I asked about the "First time?" and they responded the first one into the hole by their own hands. They owned up to what they did and they themself were there, along with another one who said them too. Bea said you throw them in the hole? and I made an ellipsis before saying they were feeding *him*...

The leader said every few months or so the singing came back and it was time to find someone again. I said "...", skipping the part about the member that broke the rules and had to pay up, just saying that I think I'm gonna be sick...

They said they didn't pick someone that was gonna be missed, just drifters drunks and delinquents. I said "Casey?", skipping the part about how many people died down here. They said they did him a favour :(

Gregg said they k...killed Casey? Angus was like omg and they said they didn't use that word. They tried to justify this by saying Casey was going nowhere good. Greg then pointed his crossbow, demanding to know which one of them did it!!! They pointed a gun at us and demanded Gregg throw down his crossbow, which he eventually did.

I called them monsters and they said they weren't, that they were only doing this because they loved their home. As long as they kept doing this, Possum Springs would survive. They told us what motivated them and about homes and jobs coming back if they kept doing this. I had this red bleary swirly vision and I said I was gonna die down here.

The swirliness stopped though and I asked them why they were telling us all this? They said they were getting old, even with the new health benefit they were getting and they needed young blood to carry this on when they were gone. Bea gave out to them for pitching us on this and asked them if they were hurting financially or was this just some costume murder club for some crappy boss who was afraid of dying. The leader said it didn't matter and she snorted, saying that it did! Angus and Gregg said this was real bad and insane.

This time I asked the leader "Why shouldn't we just call the cops?" they replied to say... what? That we saw some men we couldn't identify in an abandoned mine behind a locked gate and an elevator that wouldn't run? That we saw a... hole? I then said ok fine, why should we help them? They leader said Possum Springs would bleed to death, we'd all be dead and it would all go back to fields and trees, starting with the flood and blizzard in recent times. I said I'd seen it and the leader said they knew I had. After a pause the leader then said they understood if we needed time to think it over.

We were now free to go. They said no one was gonna stop us but they knew who we all were and we didn't know who they were out there. They demanded Gregg leave his crossbow. I couldn't move so Angus kindly carried me as we left.

On the walk back to the elevator, Bea said she had no idea what to even think about any of this. I said it was just... horror? Angus said that wasn't a word you get to use too often. I said that was all I had left, as everything else in my head was gone. Gregg said let's get out of here, fast. I said I didn't know if I and Angus said Shhh, talk later. Bea said it was old old stuff in here as we went up in the elevator.

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