Tuesday 15 October 2019

395 night in the woods - 3 weird teens f o r e v e r!

Dear Readers,

I went to the church and just like on the last playthrough, it was deserted. Mom was staying home and Pastor Kate was cleaning up after Bruce was gone. Everything was the same, apart from one weird thing... Make that three weird things :)

It was the three weird teens! They were back here where I first met them! I don't think they were here at all in the last playthrough where I messed up that first set of questions, but they were now here and I had found all three pentagrams :)

I went up to them and said hey. It's you guys. They said sup, hi and heeyyyy. I asked if they were still doing that talking in order thing. They said nah as they kept messing it up. They said they were over the whole thing anyway. I said oh really? and they said yep.

I then said "Because that pentagram thing was totally a thing" the other choice was about phases but I went for this. I said so like, thanks. They said Huh. Cool.

I then said that actually everything they said was pretty spot on. They said it was probably because they were actually psychic. Probably.

I said alright well I couldn't tell what level of sarcasm we were working on here... and stopped myself, saying that oh gosh I sounded like a mom! They said maybe no sarcasm, maybe they were covering their tracks, so their cover wasn't blown. I said never change, weird teens! I said to please grow and become weird adults. They said maybe they don't age. Maybe they stay young. Maybe, they were F O R E V E R.

I said thank you, again. They said for what? They didn't remember doing anything. They asked, who was this lady?

And that was it! That was it from the 3 weird teens :) I'm super glad I met them again here!

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