Wednesday 9 October 2019

389 night in the woods - kicking the helmet off

Dear Readers,

We got to the top of the glowing red old elevator where the dramatic QTE scene takes place.

Angus said he had to put me down for a sec. Gregg was like so, Casey... Bea said yeah and Gregg said he... and Bea said yeah again. Gregg said and for what. I said I think I get it? Angus said wow, really? I said I was too tired to explain it right but like they lost what they thought was gonna happen which was what had happened a long time ago or how they remembered or pictured it and things it gave them... and so Casey and that kid at Harfest and... then I said sorry as I lost it. Angus said that was more sense than he could make of it. I said they were sad, that it was all really sad. Gregg asked if Angus was ready to go again and he said yep, sorry. Bea then said wait. Everybody shut up. Angus said what and she said shh, that she thought she...

Then the dramatic scene played out where the figure of the ghost appeared and tried to grab me. This time, I took full advantage of the QTE sequence and kicked their helmet off! They had ears like a cat and I wondered who it was exactly! I looked it up online and there are some theories! Interesting ones!

In the dark afterwards, Gregg was like holy crap! Angus asked if everyone was ok and Bea yelled my name, asking if I was ok? Then she yelled at me to say something! All I could do was laugh. She was like, Mae? and I laughed some more before I started sobbing. She said shhh. It's ok. She said she had me and he was gone now.

Gregg asked how were we gonna get out of there and Bea said shhh and give me a minute. This is the complete opposite from my previous playthrough. They say more or less the same stuff in this situation.

Angus found somewhere in the dark where air was coming in so there was hope for us. I was able to get back up on my feet again at this stage. We found some old boarded up tunnel and together we pulled the boards off and found a way out!

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