Sunday 27 October 2019

8 undertale - life with toriel

Dear Readers,

I went into the living room part of Toriel's house. She was reading a book by the fire with her glasses, looking all homely and motherly.

"Up already, I see?" she said when I came in. She said she wanted me to know how glad she was to have someone here. She had so many old books she wanted to share and she wanted to show me her favourite bug-hunting spot. She then said she also prepared a curriculum for my education?! Yikes! She said she always wanted to be a teacher and... yeah, that isn't really surprising. She asked me what I wanted to speak to her about and for now, I said nothing.

I looked at a book inside the case, which was a history one. It said they (the monsters) were trapped behind the barrier and fearful of further human attacks, so they retreated. They walked far, far into the earth until they reached the cavern's end. It was their new home they named "Home", saying as great as their king was, he was pretty lousy at names. Haha :)

I checked out the kitchen. There was a brand-name chocolate bar in the fridge. From the human world? In the sink there was white fur stuck in the drain. From Toriel's fur? From an attempt to drown the dog that stole her phone? I hope it's the former. In the cupboard were cutters to make monster shaped gingerbread and the pie here was too big for me to eat it. The stovetop was very clean and presumably Toriel must have used fire magic instead.

I spoke to Toriel again and she asked if I wanted to hear about the book she was reading called "72 Uses for Snails" I said sure. She gave a snail fact and said they talked. Really. Slowly... then she said she was just kidding as snails didn't talk :) I agreed that it was interesting, not to mention amusing!

I decided to read her diary... particularly the circled passage. It was... a joke? It said "Why did the skeleton want a friend? Because she was feeling BONELY..." The rest of it was filled with similar jokes.

Having run out of other stuff to do, I asked Toriel how to exit the ruins. She said she had to do something and dashed out of the room.

I couldn't find or call Toriel anywhere, so I went down the stairs that lead out of here. I found her standing there in the purple corridor downstairs. The sentimental music was gone now and it was just an ominous echoey rumbling. She stood with her back to me and spoke as I approached...

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