Thursday 3 October 2019

383 night in the woods - i'm alive again!

Dear Readers,

I finally got up on my two feet and shuffled slowly back to town. I was in bad shape after that chase.

This scene I still really appreciate that deep bass guitar pluck. The other bit of music I appreciate here sounds a bit like the atmospheric music from Metroid Prime, but I don't remember exactly which part.

This section does remind me of the disorientation of a Metroid game, except the disorientation comes from everything being drenched in light and unrecognisable, rather than darkness.

I walked past several, seemingly random mailboxes until I collapsed next to one of them. The tree next to it looked a bit like the tree in front of my own house, so maybe I was in the right place.

The next scene was in the church with me lying on the pews. The same people were here as last time, a frowning Mr Chazokov, Mr Twigmeyer, Lori M, Dad, Mom, Pastor Kate, Mr Penderson and Selmers.

The scene played out exactly as it did in the last playthrough with everyone saying just the loveliest, most heartfelt things about me and then there was that shift to the hospital with the mysterious janitor who said I was gonna be fine for today, leastways.

I came to and soon the scene shifted again to me in my own bed. I got up and shuffled all the way to Gregg and Angus' apartment, where it followed on from the scene where I said OMG as Bea. I called out her name as Mae this time and she was like OMG... Mae?

I went in to them.

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