Monday 14 October 2019

394 night in the woods - i want this game to go on forever :(

Dear Readers,

On this very last day in the game I went and did my rounds. I stopped by Rabies' bridge and hung out with him for a while before going my usual route, starting with Selmers.

She asked how I was with the head hurting thing and I said I was ok, just headache. She offered medicine and I said I was ok. We talked about caffeine and how it makes you want to go pee. Fascinating. I said I'd come by if I needed to and I'd see her later :)

The town council were arguing over arrangements for salting the roads and stuff. Same amusing dialogue :)

I went up to Mr. Chazokov and discovered the last dusk star available, Erskine the Firemaker. We said the same stuff about it as last time and said the stuff that granddad once said as something being real because hearing about it happened to you. That was a nice quote and having it in the Lost Constellation story too :)

I love the invitation he gave me afterwards to see the super moon with some hot chocolate :)

Stuff like this makes me want this game to keep going forever. I know now of course, that it can't :(

At least I can do another playthrough or two sometime in the future.

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