Sunday 13 October 2019

393 night in the woods - the tooth is i'm happy to still have my family and friends

Dear Readers,

I woke up in my own bed and doodled the third and final pentagram after all the events in the mine last night. I finally have them all :) I also went online to messages back from my friends after the gushy love stuff I sent them.

Everyone had messages when I logged on!

Bea said hey and asked if I was ok this morning. She wasn't opening the Pickaxe today and that Gregg informed her about band practice... same message as on the last playthrough...

Gregg said the same thing as in my last playthrough too but his thing was really nice, talking about my messages being really nice.

Angus had that same away message too about being glad to be alive this morning and that was all.

Oh well. It was still nice to wake up to nice messages from them :)

I gave Sharkle a good few clicks before logging off again. I left the room and the next section came up titled EPILOGUE: STARS. Near the end now!

I refamiliarised myself with my home. Haven't been here in a normal way for a few days. I went downstairs to have a long chat with mom too.

She asked me how I was and I said I was well enough to hop up on the counter! She asked me if I would do a favour and stay home tonight. I guess as opposed to staying at Gregg and Angus'. This time I asked "Why?" and she said it's been... and she just... then she talked about how I was still living here and I was still her baby. She talked about me just taking off to be with my friends after the other night where I could've died. She talked about ground rules and stuff. I said I was really sorry. She asked what was going on with me and this time I said "I don't even know if I can tell you". She asked me why and that she promised to understand. I said I didn't think I even knew how to talk about it yet. Then she asked me about school again and that she didn't care what it was, but to just please tell her. I asked her if she was working today and no, both she and dad were off today. I said I'd be around tonight and we could talk about it then. She said sure and that we could make breakfast for dinner like we used to. We laughed and smiled at the though of dad flipping pancakes again and smiled at each other. Aww :)

She asked if I was going out today and I said yeah. She asked if I could please stay in town and close and I said yeah, mom. She talked about them getting some of the Longest Night decorations out and preparing for the snow. I was like wow, that went fast. She asked what did and I said the autumn. She said it always does. I said I was off and we both said we loved each other.

I chatted with her again and she talked about her book and recited a song from it.

I chatted with her again and again until she just hummed a happy mom hum :)

I then went outside to chat with dad. He talked about how his job and how he wasn't respected for it at all by the bosses and how they needed a union and everything. I gave him the tooth I found in the basement safe and said to tell his boss to eat S#!t! He was amazed by this tooth, which was from a bad boss from a long time ago. He said he loved me and I said I'd be back later. He was out here getting ready for Longest Night, getting an early start on the lights plan.

Chatting with him again made him hum a happy dad hum :)

I chatted with Aunt Molly as well who was nearby. She said she was working and got a lot of weird calls this morning. I finally had a chance to say "...What kind of calls?" and she was gonna ask me a question before deciding not to and instead just say again to be careful. Same as last time really.

I went on to do my usual rounds.

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