Saturday 12 October 2019

392 night in the woods - gushing with love for my friends: bea edition

Dear Readers,

I got back to civilisation and my computer and decided to gush love and appreciation for my friends, even though they may or may not have been listening.

The scene shifted to Bea's apartment with her behind the counter. I typed that none of us asked for any of this and it didn't happen to us because we were special. You could work as hard as you want but the universe was going to keep doing what it does and I didn't think any of us deserved all this as this was all stuff that started long before we were born. It's all moving so fast and you're dropped into it and you're just trying to grab onto something. All of them were what kept me from floating off tonight. Also they kinda killed that guy to save me. I said not to think I didn't appreciate that and went L O L.

Dialogue is slightly different here and it shifted to Bea's apartment first this time :) then it shifted to Angus and Gregg's apartment.

I said I didn't understand exactly what happened and I just wanted to wrap my arms around all of them. Not just because I loved them, but to keep them all together with me. Just wrap up into a ball and no one could hurt us. I apologised for rambling.

When it shifted to Germ I typed the same stuff about him I typed last time. He didn't use the messenger feature but I typed for him anyway.

After this, I got back to my desktop and typed about Bea this time instead of Gregg. I told her she was definitely something. I said I was so sorry about all she had gone through. I didn't even understand all of her problems but if I could I'd fix them. I'd fix all of it. And I'd buy the tools to do it from her store. Or borrow them at least. I said a better friend would buy, but I was what she got. And I was glad.

That was that and I said I was gonna erase it but oops! It all sent! I had to tell myself to log off and I did.

I was much more gushy towards Gregg but this was a nice message especially for Bea too :)

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