Saturday 19 October 2019

399 night in the woods - my commentary on concept art found on bea's path

Dear Readers,

Now to look at the rest of the art gallery pictures I unlocked through Bea's path and comment on them!

#11 I commented on already but it has a memory of how it was inspired by the time Alec ordered a burger with a pierogi on it. Feels different to read this now.
#17 is rough sketches for the dancing animations with Mae and Bea. Really interesting and nice to look at these! See what ideas made it in and the action lines for throwing shapes and moves :) I love it. Also, those squiggly lines to the left look like warm up exercises.
#18 It's Bombshell girl! Some detailed notes on what she was like as well as how the pentagram handshake itself was inspired by something Scott saw in the late 90s.

That's everything in the gallery now! I was surprised I didn't unlock notes on scenes unique to Bea's path, such as the graveyard or the mall or the supermarket or her family's apartment. Then again, I didn't unlock Donut Wolf scenery during Gregg's path.

Time for me to stop playing this game for now and give myself a chance with other games. I have a lot to catch up on! I'd love to come back to this someday though!

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