Wednesday 2 October 2019

382 night in the woods - worrying about mae as bea

Dear Readers,

The scene shifted to Angus and Gregg's apartment, where Germ was playing the skateboarding game with Gregg and Bea watching the action. Things played out a little differently this time... with some different dialogue!

For one thing, Gregg wasn't standing. He was sitting on the floor next to Germ and he was holding the other controller. Bea said nice. Gregg said nice. Germ said yep. Bea said nice first this time :)

Bea said she barely remembered how to play this. Gregg said it was like riding a bike. Germ said he played this game in his head when he was falling asleep. Bea went hm and said she liked to go over the plots of books she'd read. Germ said ooooh look at the smartie! Haha :) Gregg said he tried to remember every place he'd ever been. In order. Bea said wow. They all continued to look at the screen for a moment... until Bea got off the couch.

Bea was now... me! Or rather, I was controlling her this time instead of Gregg last time, since I did all her stuff on this run. This is a pretty cool idea :)

Now then... as Bea I walked into Gregg and Angus' bedroom. It was a little cooler and quieter in here, apart from the sounds of everyday life from elsewhere in the apartment building. I said to myself I was so tired I could curl up on their bed. I observed the whole living area under there too with the computer and drawers. I went back into the living room.

I told Germ I played this until I broke one of the sticks. He said that was harsh. I said "I don't screw around.", though I kinda wanted to say the other thing. He said that's the spirit.

I asked Gregg if there was any word from her parents. He said nope. I asked him "Did you leave a message?" He said yep. I chatted with him again, saying this game had a great soundtrack. Very high school summer. Yeah! Joyful ska stuff :) Gregg said he listens to like half the bands on it and they were going to see the Blanktones in a few days... or rather, they were. He didn't know now.

I walked to the window and said I didn't see anyone out there. Gregg said to just wait and that *he* would be back, whoever that was. I asked "So we still have no idea who this is?" and Gregg just said he was a big guy with a dirty coat. Or several guys as they could've been swapping out. He couldn't tell. I then observed it was getting dark earlier.

I then walked into the kitchen where Angus was organising brownies and sodas. He asked if I wanted some brownies as he was making some and... and I said yeah? He said maybe lasagne. I said "Lasagne?" and he said he found one in the freezer! I asked why all the food? He said we needed to eat! That everyone needed to eat! I asked him wasn't he scared and worried and he said a good dinner makes everyone feel better! He said someone's gotta take care of us! I thanked him and told him he was extremely good. He was like aw, no more than anyone else.

I then asked Angus about the guy they saw at Possum Jump. I asked him if those guys were... like that guy? He said yep. Sorta. He said the guy had a hat. I said hm. He said he needed to defrost the lasagne... or maybe he needed to cook it from frozen.

I went back into the living room and said guys, this is a bad situation. Gregg said yep, Angus said yup from the kitchen and Germ said yes'm. Gregg then said wait everybody shut up...

There were noises outside the door. I said what? and Angus said he heard it too. I was like seriously, what? After a pause, Angus said there was someone standing outside the door. I was like what???? and Gregg said everyone be very quiet.

I then said OMG before the scene made another sudden shift... to the woods.

This was a great idea to switch control to the character you spend the most time with :) I really enjoyed playing this scene again from Bea's perspective! Now though, it was back to me as Mae...

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