Tuesday 29 October 2019

10 undertale - thank you, toriel!

Dear Readers,

I faced Toriel with the Spare strategy, which finally got me somewhere. She demanded I fight or leave!

I kept sparing and avoiding her attacks. I kept getting hit by them as they were pretty difficult to avoid.

Her expression changed slightly. She looked away and told me to stop doing what I was doing.

Eventually, she told me to stop looking at her that way. Then she said to go away! Then she made another ellipsis.

Then she got a sad look on her face. I noticed that when I got weak her attacks stopped going directly for me.

Suddenly, after a spare the music stopped and she spoke to me. She said she knew I wanted to go home but...

I spared her again. She told me again to please go upstairs.

I spared her again. She smiled a sad smile and promised she'd take care of me here.

I spared her again. She said she knew she didn't have much, but...

I spared her again. She said we could have a good life here.

I spared her again. Her smile disappeared, leaving just a sad face. She asked me why was I making this so difficult.

I spared her again. I also noticed I couldn't flee anymore. She looked to the side and begged me to please go upstairs.

I spared her again. She frowned very sadly.

I spared once again. She smiled in a resigned way and laughed a little.

I spared again. She looked right at me again and said she was pathetic for not being able to save a single child.

I spared again a couple of turns. She looked away and back again, becoming more serious. She said she understood how I would just be unhappy trapped down here. She said the ruins were very small once you got used to them. I kinda know already, not being able to go anywhere else. She said it wouldn't be right for me to grow up in a place like this.

She said her expectations, her loneliness and her fear she would put all aside for me. The battle ended.

A very slow and bummed out version of Toriel's theme played. She said if I truly wished to leave the ruins she would not stop me. She asked me to please not come back if I did leave and said she hoped I understood.

She leaned down and gave me a big, sad, emotional hug before saying "Goodbye, my child." Then she walked past me, pausing to turn and look at me for a moment before walking back home. Aw...

This is a very emotional scene. She wanted to take care of me so much and didn't want me leaving. What a lovely character. I wanted to talk to her again so I went all the way back to the start of the game where she was taking care of the flower bed I fell on. She said not to worry about her and that someone had to take care of these flowers.

I went back to the hallway and through the door at the end, knowing I wouldn't be able to come back. Thank you, Toriel! Thank you for everything!

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