Thursday 17 October 2019

397 night in the woods - hot chocolate weather is coming

Dear Readers,

I went to Angus and Gregg's part of town to have the last few chats here too.

It was here I met the Canuck! I feel weird for using that word by the way. It sounds like something I shouldn't say. I had that chat with them about autumn ending. They said they sometimes like to raise their arms and feel the chill of a gust of wind. I raised my arms and said like this? They said yeah and asked if it was working. This time I said "Naw, still warm" and they said you don't want to get too cold, just a bit. And then you can get a hot drink like hot chocolate :)

I want this game to go on so I can see that cosiness!

Angus wasn't at work.

I got a load of Taco Buck and screamed with excitement, saying it was the greatest thing to happen to this place since "we got internet!" and how we were still using Cyberfish until like 2 years ago. Because it was eternally 2 decades behind here and it took you 3 days to download a movie and 1 day to load a gif. Barbaric times!

Yes I remember dial up and not being able to load my favourite Flash cartoons. I had to watch the same downloaded clips over and over. Craziness :) I don't know what Cyberfish is supposed to be though.

I chatted with Danny, who was now a taco guy! Got his sales pitch and all. Can't wait for tacos!

In real life I recently tried a taco for the first time :) new experiences woo!

I chatted with the Smelters fan, who was now all alone. He asked if I was a Smelters fan and this time I said "Umm... naw" and he just went ah well. That was it. Aw. It's an honest answer but I would've liked to have joined him for one last Go Smelters chant! Ah well.

I went out to the Food Donkey and hung out with my grown up rat babies for a little bit. Then I went off to see Gregg.

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