Saturday 29 February 2020

131 undertale - the fourth vhs tape, sussing out who is speaking

Dear Readers,

This was definitely not Toriel. They definitely weren't speaking to me either, despite having the same name as me. Whoever they were, they said to me they didn't like some idea that my namesake came up with. They denied they were crying, saying big kids didn't cry.

Friday 28 February 2020

130 undertale - the third vhs tape

Dear Readers,

I was puzzled by the second tape, and it continued with the third one with Toriel telling me to smile for the camera.

Thursday 27 February 2020

Wednesday 26 February 2020

128 undertale - the first vhs tape

Dear Readers,

After sparing the horrifying Lemon Bread, I went through the door to the north. In here was a TV and some book shelves.

Tuesday 25 February 2020

127 undertale - save point? more like grave point!

Dear Readers,

After dealing with that horror in the bathtub, I went back out into the hallway and continued to the west. In this next room was a huge bug-like skull with pincers and metal pipes coming out of it.

Monday 24 February 2020

126 undertale - creepy swinging thing in the bathtub

Dear Readers,

After finding the blue switch, I backtracked to the bedroom and went through the door. The path split into two. I took the left path and looked at the Alphys entry.

Sunday 23 February 2020

125 undertale - frankenstein monster bird thing

Dear Readers,

From the True Lab bedroom, there was a hallway that continued east and a doorway to the north.

Saturday 22 February 2020

124 undertale - tucker ghostson tonight

Dear Readers,

The next room seemed like a dead end or an elevator. There was some weird square thing on the wall and a note on the ground.

Thursday 20 February 2020

122 undertale - the archives of alphys

Dear Readers,

The elevator door shut and wouldn't work anymore, so I had to continue down the dark green hallway. There were monitors along the wall that lit when I passed by them.

Wednesday 19 February 2020

121 undertale - the truth about alphys' bathroom

Dear Readers,

Following Papyrus' strange advice, I went to the lab in Hotland. Alphys wasn't here, but she left a note.

Tuesday 18 February 2020

120 undertale - papyrus shows up and sounds like a hostage

Dear Readers,

During the big moment between Alphys and Undyne, Papyrus jumped out from the rubbish and said "Get those bones shakin'!"

Monday 17 February 2020

119 undertale - alphys gets honest with undyne!

Dear Readers,

The date with Alphys developed into a practice roleplay between her and me where I played as her true object of affection.

Sunday 16 February 2020

Saturday 15 February 2020

117 undertale - alphys' date

Dear Readers,

I went back to Hotland with the letter Undyne gave me and slid it under the door of the lab, before giving it a knock. I could hear Alphys inside, being all indecisive about opening it.

Friday 14 February 2020

116 undertale - undyne's letter

Dear Readers,

I loaded my save and found myself before the battle with Asgore. He was his usual lovely polite self.

Thursday 13 February 2020

Wednesday 12 February 2020

114 undertale - credits and endgame phone call from my old friends

Dear Readers,

After Flowey ran away, up ahead was a purple door. I didn't have access to the menu or anything. I walked through it.

Tuesday 11 February 2020

113 undertale - my determination to not kill flowey

Dear Readers,

The defeated Flowey hung their wilted petals, leaving me with the choices of FIGHT or MERCY. I chose MERCY. After all, I was still playing pacifist...

Monday 10 February 2020

112 undertale - insane flowey fight!

Dear Readers,

The battle with Flowey was NOT turn based! It was also very hard to note all the insane things happening during it. I'll talk about some things!

Sunday 9 February 2020

111 undertale - return of the horrible flowey

Dear Readers,

Flowey grinned at me, calling me an IDIOT. They said I hadn't learned a thing. The six souls Asgore had surrounded them as they repeated the line from before... In this world it's KILL or BE killed.

Saturday 8 February 2020

110 undertale - saying goodbye to the tragic asgore

Dear Readers,

Following the strategies I had developed, as well as using healing items, and with extra determination, I managed to get Asgore onto his knee and the music stopped.

Friday 7 February 2020

109 undertale - developing strategies against asgore

Dear Readers,

I took breaks and had more attempts to fight Asgore, but he still killed me a lot. I decided to look at his movements a bit closer and tried to develop some strategies.

Thursday 6 February 2020

Wednesday 5 February 2020

107 undertale - the world feels lonely now

Dear Readers,

After many more defeats against Asgore, I decided maybe I should get a stronger weapon than the stick I was wielding.

Monday 3 February 2020

105 undertale - saying "howdy!" to asgore

Dear Readers,

After leaving the Last Corridor with sound judgement from Sans, I went ahead to the next area. I saw the sign for Throne Room, but I went beyond, through a path that lead to a different area.

Sunday 2 February 2020

104 undertale - sans' judgement

Dear Readers,

This next area was The Last Corridor. There were lots of columns here with light coming in through stained glass windows. It was dead silent here, apart from someone familiar...

Saturday 1 February 2020

103 undertale - the city monsters tell me about asriel

Dear Readers,

I continued exploring this New Home area and had encounters with monsters. They didn't attack though. Instead they told me about what happened in the past.