Thursday 6 February 2020

108 undertale - trying out worn dagger and empty gun on asgore

Dear Readers,

With Worn Dagger in hand, I took on Asgore in another attempt to fight him without dying.

I was doing a bit more damage, but I was still getting my butt kicked. I decided to maybe look for more items.

I went to Bratty and Catty. I saved before buying the Cowboy Hat and Empty Gun. I had more attack power but slightly less defence power when fighting Asgore. I had to make four timed button presses to get an attack that did over 200 damage as opposed to the 100-150ish damage I got with the Worn Dagger with one button press.

The trade off was that I had slightly less defence, more attack power but I had to make four button presses instead of one. I weighed things up a bit.

I decided to reload the save and forget about sticking with the hat and gun. At least for now. The Cowboy Hat and Empty Gun would work quite well with the dramatic meeting with Asgore, since he says "Howdy!" as a greeting :)

I went back with the Heart Locket and Dagger and just practised for a while. I got Asgore's HP down to about half at one point before I was defeated. I was kind of sparing with health items too. It's progress!

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