Monday 17 February 2020

119 undertale - alphys gets honest with undyne!

Dear Readers,

The date with Alphys developed into a practice roleplay between her and me where I played as her true object of affection.

She asked me how I was doing and I(as Undyne) said "Y0ur cute," where she said th...thanks! She said I say that to her a lot, and she never knew what to say! She said I just meant it platonically, because we were just friends.

She laughed and then worked up the courage to say she'd like to talk to me about something. I said "THEN SHe Kisses YOu" and she was like WHAT? Undyne would never!... then she paused and said she kisses her back... softly. She said she looks gently into her eyes... and start hollering!

All of a sudden her music sped up really fast and she wore a crazy expression! She yelled "UNDYNE!!!! I LOVE YOU!!!!" as she trembled. She continued yelling "UNDYNE!!! KISS ME AGAIN, UNDYNE!!!"

Just then, the REAL Undyne walked back into the scene, her eyes wide! Alphys' music did a record stop and Undyne asked "WHAT did you just say?"

Alphys was just about to make some explanation when Undyne said her outfit was really cute! She asked what the occasion was and then asked us if we were on a date! Alphys stammered yes and no and finally said we were only romantically roleplaying as her! Undyne was like what? and then Alphys started talking as sweet sentimental music started playing...

Alphys said she had been lying to Undyne. Undyne shouted about what? and Alphys said about everything! She then said everything at once as she walked up to Undyne, about this thing and that thing, about anime being history books and stuff like that. She said she just wanted to impress her and wanted her to think she was smart and cool, that she wasn't some nerdy loser.

Undyne spoke sofly and bent to rub Alphys' head. Alphys told Undyne she thought she was really neat. Undyne then kneeled and put her arms around Alphys, rubbing her shoulder. She said shhhh.

Undyne's heroic music started playing! She picked Alphys up in her arms, threw her up in the air, through a basketball hoop that conveniently appeared above the bin, and Alphys fell right through the hoop and into the bin! She told Alphys she thought she was neat too! But she said Alphys had to realise that most of what she said really didn't matter to her. She said she didn't care if Alphys was watching kid cartoons or reading history books, because to her, all of that stuff was just nerdy crap! She said what she liked about Alphys was that she was passionate! That she was analytical! It didn't matter what it was, it was that she cared about it! 100% at maximum power! So Alphys didn't have to lie to her.

Undyne told Alphys she didn't want her to have to lie to anyone anymore. She wanted to help Alphys become happy with who she was! She knew just the training she needed to do that!

The bin shook with sweat and a pair of spectacled eyes appeared from under the lid and a pair of feet and a tail appeared below. Alphys' eyes got big and her face got blushy as she said Undyne was gonna train her? Undyne was like nah, she was gonna get Papyrus to do it. Undyne's music stopped and Alphys looked unimpressed.

Just then, a smiling Papyrus emerged from the rubbish in the background, wearing a headband and a top that had the word "JOGBOY" emblazoned on it.

Turning out to be a very fun scene :) Also wonderful to see feelings and stuff being revealed like this.

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