Wednesday 12 February 2020

114 undertale - credits and endgame phone call from my old friends

Dear Readers,

After Flowey ran away, up ahead was a purple door. I didn't have access to the menu or anything. I walked through it.

The screen faded white and the Undertale logo flashed. Then the credits ran. Toby Fox and Temmie Chang, among many others, including the ones who brought the game to the Nintendo Switch.

After the credits, the phone rang. It was Sans with a big heya! He was just calling to say I made a snowman really happy.

Then he started talking more, saying it had been a while. The queen returned and was now ruling over the underground. She enstated a new policy, that all the humans who fell down there would be treated not as enemies, but as friends.

He said it was probably for the best anyway as the human souls the king gathered seemed to have disappeared, so that plan wasn't happening any time soon. But even though people were heartbroken over the king, and things were looking grim for their freedom, the queen was trying her best not to let them give up hope.

He then said so hey, if they weren't giving up down there, that I wasn't to give up wherever I was, ok? Aw :)

He said who knows how long it would take, but they would definitely get out of there.

Papyrus then butted in, asking Sans who he was talking to. Sans said it was nobody. Papyrus then asked if he could talk to me too! Sans gave Papyrus the phone.

Papyrus recognised the number and said attention, human! He, The Great Papyrus, was now captain of the royal guard! Woo! It was everything he had ever dreamed of :) except, instead of fighting, they just watered flowers. So that was just ever-so-slightly different! Also they were helping Dr. Alphys with her research. He said she was gonna find a way to get them out of there and Undyne was helping her too! Although, Undyne's method of helping was kind of explosion-inducing. But he said he thinks Alphys likes having her around.

Just then, Undyne showed up nearby, saying what was I up to, punk? Papyrus told her to please not noogie the phone! Hahahaha :)

Undyne barked who was in charge here? Papyrus said he was. Undyne then said oh yeah, and that she quit her job as leader of the royal guard. Since they weren't going to be fighting anymore, the royal guard totally disbanded and there was only one member now. Papyrus butted in and said but he's extremely good! Hehe :) Undyne said yes he was! Papyrus then said to please not noogie the skeleton. Hahahaha :)

Undyne said she was now working as Alphys' lab assistant. They were gonna find a way out of this dump once and for all! She also said she was a gym teacher at the queen's new school. She boasted about being able to bench-press seven children.

Undyne then said sorry about what happened with Asgore and I was just doing what I had to. It wasn't my fault that he...  and then she trailed off, saying she missed the big guy... Then she told herself to snap out of it.

She then said she'd tell me how Alphys was doing. She said she was the same as ever, maybe a little more reclusive than normal. It seemed like something was really bothering her, but she could get through it! Undyne was there supporting her after all!

She then said wherever I was, she hoped it was better than there. She said it took a lot of sacrifices for me to get here. She said wherever I was, I had to try to be happy, okay!? For their sakes! She said they'll feel better knowing their trouble was worth it. She said they were all with me! Everyone! Even the queen!

She then said wait and called out for Toriel, who said she was busy. Papyrus then said if she knew who they were talking to... and Sans said they wouldn't get the phone back for at least a few hours! Papyrus said they had the mercy to spare me from her!

Undyne said to call back any time as Toriel would love to talk!

Sans said whoops as the phone was running out of batteries. He said he hated to cut this short but... and ended with "be seeing you, ok, buddy?" with a wink. Papyrus said bye bye for now! Undyne said see ya, punk! Then... click.

Aw... what lovely characters. I love every single one of them but I do admit my fav is probably still Papyrus! Or... well... I dunno it's kind of hard to pick! My favourite might shift around.

This was kind of like EarthBound's endgame conversations :) I will miss hanging out with these characters.

Just then, Flowey reappeared on screen! They seemed normal but they weren't smiling. "Why...?" they asked. Hoo boy... what am I in for now?

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