Sunday 16 February 2020

118 undertale - alphys opens up

Dear Readers,

During the date, Alphys asked if I liked anime. I said yes.

She said she did too! Then there was another pause. Then she said let's go somewhere. She asked where was a good place to go on a date. Then she got an idea to go to the garbage dump!

The scene changed, but still in encounter mode. The border changed to the waterfall one. We were in a place with heaps of junk all around. She said this was where Undyne and she came all the time. She said they find all sorts of great stuff here. Then she said Undyne was really...then she was like oh no... as Undyne was nearby!

Some really cool music started playing. It was like some atmospheric retro cave music with a groovy beat and a haunting melody.

Alphys said she couldn't let Undyne see her on a date with me! I asked why and she said, stammering before she stopped as Undyne was coming over here. Alphys hid behind a bin.

Undyne walked on screen and she was dressed really differently! Her hair looked all done up and everything. She said here I was! Then she said she realised if I delivered the letter, it might be a bad idea. Then she said she was gonna do it and barked at me to give it to her! When she realised I didn't have it, she growled and asked me if I had at least seen Alphys.

I said "Yeah" and Undyne said thanks and that she'd keep looking. She left. Alphys came back out from behind the bin and a slower version of her theme song played. She confessed it was really obvious that she really liked Undyne, more than she liked other people. She then apologised to me and said she figured it'd be fun to go on a cute kind of pretend date with me, to make me feel better. She then said it sounded even worse when she put it like that so she said sorry for messing up again. She said Undyne was the person she really wanted to go on a date with. Then she said Undyne was way out of her league...

Then she said in a flustered way that it wasn't that I wasn't cool! She then talked about what she admired in Undyne, her confidence, her strength and the way she was funny. She then said she herself was a nobody... a fraud. She said she was the royal scientist but all she ever did was hurt people. She said she told Undyne so many lies that she thought she was a lot cooler than she actually was. She said if Undyne ever got close to her, she'd find out the truth about her. She asked me what she should do.

I told her "Tell her the truth" and she fretted, thinking Undyne would hate her. She asked me if it wasn't better this way? To live a lie where both people were happy? Or a truth where neither of them were? She said they say to be yourself but she didn't really like who herself was. She said she'd rather just be whatever made people like her.

She laughed and smiled a little before pausing, then admitting I was right. She said every day she was scared what would happen if people learned the truth on their own. They would all get hurt because of her but how could she tell Undyne the truth? She said she didn't have the confidence. She said she'd mess it up. She asked how could she practise?

I said "Let's Roleplay It" and she thought about it for a moment before saying it actually sounded kind of fun! She asked which one of us would be Undyne and I said "I'll be Undyne".

This scene is really fun and it's sweet to see Alphys like this :) also, seeing Undyne in her civvies with her hair down is like something transformative! Continued next time!

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